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Author Topic: BRUTALITY (Prologue Completed)  (Read 32160 times)

The very act of using a keyboard murders my fingers for some reason and I think I've got RSI now. Welp.

Ignore Squib and tell them that it's you, the one who helped them in the diner.

"It's me! It's me!" You tell the inmates. They don't budge.

Use your bliss to calmly take the gun away.

You calmly try to take the inmates H&K Mark 23 away!
Inmate 1 wrestles for control of the gun, breaks free of your grip on his gun, and levels his pistol at your head again!

suddenly pull some matrix stuff
AKA duck and shoot a brother in the head
If that doesn't work, pull off some Red Dead Redemption stuff and shoot all of them.

You duck down just as the inmate fires and hastily return fire from the hip, firing off a single shot at each inmate! The pistol-wielding inmate's head is grazed by a bullet, and that's it. You need more practice before you can start shooting like a wild west gunslinger.

throw shoe at inmate(s) crotch

You take off your shoes in an instant and throw them directly at the crotch of the nearest inmate, smacking him square in the testicles!
Inmate 1 lets out a howl of pain!

quick -- slap the gun out of his hand

You slap the gun out of the inmate's hand, sending it flying towards the other inmate!
Inmate 2 is struck in the face by a flying gun! As he stumbles in pain from being struck, he MISTAKENLY shoots himself in the leg with his tranquilizer rifle! The tranquilizer will kick in shortly, knocking him out!

engage stuffcurity mode and beat him to death with your baton

You whip out your baton and simply strike the first inmate in the head several times until a satisfying CRACK resounds throughout the hallway. Inmate 1's mask flies off his face.
Inmate 1 gasps his last breath and fades away.
+4 Bloodlust (Now 44%): Melee Kill
Inmate 2 says: "A party like this just doesn't plan itself, you know.... How dare.... You ruin.... My.... Party...."
Inmate 2 passes out from the tranquilizer in his bloodstream.

grab him by the balls and drag him across the room

You grab the surviving inmate by the balls and drag him across the room. He's too unconscious to protest.

"Uh, Sir...?" The doctor, now a former hostage, speaks up. "Thank you for saving me and all, but shouldn't we get the hell out of here?"

SYRINGE (empty)
[.40] GLOCK 23 (5/15 rounds)
[.38] S&W MODEL 586 (6/6 rounds)
[Shells] WINCHESTER 1300 DEFENDER (2/8 rounds)
[Shells] STOEGER COACH GUN (2/2 rounds)

CLOTHES (Hospital)
CLOTHES (Security Guard)
FOOTWEAR (Spare Pair of Shoes)
HEADGEAR (Smiley Mask)

People Killed/Deaths Witnessed: 8/12
Game Over Count: 1

"Alright, cmon, let's get the hell outta here."
"Hey, can you fix my foot by any chance?"
Say that I guess.

take other inmates gun and shove it up ass if they continue to fight you

take the laser sight and apply it to your GLOCK 23

get outta here with the doctor helping you
also keep dragging the inmate by his balls during the journey

"Alright, cmon, let's get the hell outta here."
"Hey, can you fix my foot by any chance?"
Say that I guess.

The doctor sits you down on the floor, grabs your foot, and simply snaps it back into place. "There we go." Soon after, the painkillers wear off.

take other inmates gun and shove it up ass if they continue to fight you

The unconscious inmate is still unconscious. You loot a [.45] H&K Mark 23.

take the laser sight and apply it to your GLOCK 23

The laser sight on the Mark 23 doesn't fit your Glock 23. (Technical reasons prevent this too. The pistol with a laser sight you saw earlier has a bodygroup for a laser sight. The Glock 23 is from a different prop pack and has no laser sight bodygroup.)

get outta here with the doctor helping you
also keep dragging the inmate by his balls during the journey

You make your way away from the elevators and the corpses, dragging an unconscious inmate by the testicles the entire time. The doctor, oddly enough, does not question any of this. He's definitely seen some stuff before in his life that is far worse than what you're doing, that's for sure. Or maybe he's just scared stuffless because you beat someone to death.

Another hallway, and another pile of corpses everywhere. Neat. You can also go left or right once again. To the left, you hear the familiar sounds of inmates, doctors, and security guards yelling, screeching, stabbing, shooting, and beating each other. To the right, you hear something big and nasty crashing into something, followed by audible radio chatter, gunfire, and distorted voices communicating with each other. One voice stands out from among the others, barking out orders in a harsh tone. Whoever just crashed into the hospital, they're coming in loud and proud!

"Is that the police?" The doctor accompanying you asks. "Finally! Let's get the hell out of here! To the right is the foyer! To the left is nothing but more of those crazies trying to kill us all!"

SYRINGE (empty)
[.40] GLOCK 23 (5/15 rounds)
[.45] H&K MARK 23 (6/12 rounds)
[.38] S&W MODEL 586 (6/6 rounds)
[Shells] WINCHESTER 1300 DEFENDER (2/8 rounds)
[Shells] STOEGER COACH GUN (2/2 rounds)

CLOTHES (Hospital)
CLOTHES (Security Guard)
FOOTWEAR (Spare Pair of Shoes)
HEADGEAR (Smiley Mask)

People Killed/Deaths Witnessed: 8/12
Game Over Count: 1
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 12:07:30 PM by tber123 »

there's windows on those doors, look through them.
then break your skull from hitting your head on the door

there's windows on those doors, look through them.
Do this carefully, and still go in the right door

Two updates in a single day. Yay!

there's windows on those doors, look through them.
then break your skull from hitting your head on the door
there's windows on those doors, look through them.
Do this carefully, and still go in the right door
go right

You look through the window on the left door to find an inmate babbling manically in a room full of explosive barrels, gasoline cans, corpses, and purple barrels. A lone guard is trying to talk down the crazed inmate.


"Jesus! I mean, I know Joey is a real smooth talker, especially during high school with the ladies and all, but he's loving INSANE to be trying to talk to that raving lunatic... In a room full of barrels and gas cans that could explode any second now."

"That's Joey for you, Robertson. Always was too confident for his own good. Remember when he tried to sweet-talk the principal out of expelling him for causing the incident with the permanent markers, a lighter, and a can of Axe?"

"Yeah, but his smooth-talking actually worked that time. He only got suspended instead of expelled."

Click to See the Full Image

The left seems much too dangerous. You decide that you'd rather be right this time instead of left, and peek through the window of the door. It's really, really dark. You can't see a damn thing.

"Command, This is Viper Two. I have a visual on two unknown contacts. Requesting permission to engage."

"Roger that, Viper Two. Permission granted. Terminate with extreme prejudice."

"You heard the man. We are weapons free."

SYRINGE (empty)
[.40] GLOCK 23 (5/15 rounds)
[.45] H&K MARK 23 (6/12 rounds)
[.38] S&W MODEL 586 (6/6 rounds)
[Shells] WINCHESTER 1300 DEFENDER (2/8 rounds)
[Shells] STOEGER COACH GUN (2/2 rounds)

CLOTHES (Hospital)
CLOTHES (Security Guard)
FOOTWEAR (Spare Pair of Shoes)
HEADGEAR (Smiley Mask)

People Killed/Deaths Witnessed: 8/12
Game Over Count: 1

right door obviously has combine soldiers
go in there and cap all of them anyways

if going through the right door doesn't work, just barge right through the left door.
make sure you're still pulling the guy by his balls

right door obviously has combine soldiers
go in there and cap all of them anyways

You open the right door, ready to cap whoevers in the dark hallway with your shotgun. What could go wrong---

??? 1 fires a five-round burst from an unknown assault rifle at the doctor, striking the torso five times!
??? 2 switches her fire selector to full-auto and lets it rip, striking the doctor's head three times and the torso seven times!
??? 3 takes aim and fires off a two-round burst at the doctor, striking the head twice!
??? 4 fires off a precisely aimed shot, striking the doctor between the eyes!

The Doctor goes flying backwards from all the bullets as his head and torso burst open from the tremendous overkill.
+5 Bloodlust (Now 49%): Head Explosion Witnessed
WARNING: Target Acquired. Take cover or die.

if going through the right door doesn't work, just barge right through the left door.
make sure you're still pulling the guy by his balls

On second thought, nevermind. You don't stand a chance in hell. Let's get the hell out of here! You quickly barge through the left door as your pursuers open fire, narrowly dodging a hail of gunfire while still dragging an unconscious inmate by the balls. The insane inmate turns around and glares at you.

"Daddy's home, kids!" The inmate howls. "And he's not drinking his brains out for once!"

"Hey! Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you, buddy!" The guard in the same room demands, trying to get the inmates attention.

"Oh, to hell with you, Barry! You never loved me! You never loved the kids! All you ever do is beat them and use them for free money! I've had it with you!" The inmate shrieks at the guard as he whips out a pistol and caps the guard in the gut, causing him to collapse to the floor writhing in agony. Somehow, the guard is still alive.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" The guards watching the scene unfold in the next room scream. "They shot Joey! They shot Joey!"

"Let's go, kids! Your scumbag father is gone and I've got enough tickets to Hawaii for all of you!" The inmate points his gun at an explosive barrel nearby. Between getting ventilated by a bunch of guys with assault rifles chasing after you and getting blown to pieces, you can't tell which is worse.

SYRINGE (empty)
[.40] GLOCK 23 (5/15 rounds)
[.45] H&K MARK 23 (6/12 rounds)
[.38] S&W MODEL 586 (6/6 rounds)
[Shells] WINCHESTER 1300 DEFENDER (2/8 rounds)
[Shells] STOEGER COACH GUN (2/2 rounds)

CLOTHES (Hospital)
CLOTHES (Security Guard)
FOOTWEAR (Spare Pair of Shoes)
HEADGEAR (Smiley Mask)

People Killed/Deaths Witnessed: 9/13
Game Over Count: 1


Here's an unused GIF that I didn't put into the previous posts.