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Author Topic: BRUTALITY (Prologue Completed)  (Read 31731 times)

drink piss to lower bloodlust

on a non-related note, im suprised im being noticed by senpai <3
cease this friendry

No screenshots because I'm at my mom's for the weekend and she had to wipe the computer after it somehow got forgeted up. Gotta reinstall Gmod, all the Workshop addons, CSS, HL2:Episode 2, TF2, and whatever else game I need to mount in Gmod.

hide in the darkness man
hide in the darkness man

on a non-related note, im suprised im being noticed by senpai <3

You hide in the dark. Your pursuers enter the elevator area, look around, and realize that you've disappeared into thin air.

"Command, this is Viper Two. Lost the contacts. Will attempt to hunt down and terminate with extreme prejudice. No witnesses."

"Roger that, Viper Two. Standing by for further reports."

The elevator soon arrives. A doctor steps out of the elevator...

"Contact! Contact!" Your pursuers shout.

??? 1 shoves the Random Doctor against the wall!
Random Doctor lets out a scream of surprise and tries to break free!
??? 1 shoots the Random Doctor, hitting him in the throat!
Random Doctor clutches at his profusely bleeding throat, gurgles loudly on his own blood, and collapses to the floor, slowly bleeding to death. Blood pools on the ground around his neck, and he eventually ceases all movement and becomes still.

+3 Bloodlust (Now 55%): Witnessed Someone Getting Shot in the Throat

A voice inside the elevator itself begins shrieking. Your pursuers pull a relatively sane inmate out of the elevator...

??? 2 grabs a Relatively Sane Inmate and shoves him against the same blood-stained wall that Random Doctor was shot next to!
Relatively Sane Inmate continues shrieking in terror and punches ??? 2 in the stomach to no effect!
??? 2 shoots the Relatively Sane Inmate in the back of the head only for him to DODGE THE BULLET!
Relatively Sane Inmate whips around and grabs ??? 2's rifle, attempting to wrestle it out of his hands!
??? 3 rushes to the aid of ??? 2, stabbing the Relatively Sane Inmate in the gut!
Relatively Sane Inmate lets out another shriek, this time in pain and agony!

??? 3, his knife still lodged in the gut of the Relatively Sane Inmate, PULLS THE KNIFE UPWARD and slices open the stomach of the Relatively Sane Inmate!
Relatively Sane Inmate clutches at his wounds and sobs uncontrollably.
??? 2 wrestles his gun away from the grip of the Relatively Sane Inmate before drawing a knife and slashing open his throat in one quick move!
Relatively Sane Inmate shivers softly, gurgles blood, and collapses like a sack of potatoes. Blood continues to pour from his wounds and paint the floor red.

+5 Bloodlust (Now 60%): Witnessed Someone Getting Brutally Murdered
The inmate's shrieks sounded strangely familiar. Some of your victims from before you got put in this hospital used to squeal the same way when you gutted them, too! You'd sure love to get back to doing that once you get out of here.
+2 Bloodlust (Now 62%): Remembering Past Atrocities

"Let's split up. We'll cover more ground that way. The two of us are going down the elevator. Stay safe." Two troopers get into the elevator and ride it down. The other two stay behind.

"I'm going back to check the doors. Gotta make sure no witnesses entered the hallways. I'll be back." One of your pursuers exits the room. The remaining pursuer stands with his back to you, keeping a close eye on everything that's not in your general direction. What fortune!

drink piss to lower bloodlust

You silently piss on the floor and try calming yourself down by pulling a Bear Grylls. Unsurprisingly, this is a bad idea. The horrible taste only serves to increase your bloodlust.
+1 Bloodlust: (Now 63%): Horrible Taste

become snake mode

You utilize your Metal Gear skills and silently sneak up on your pursuer. Easy enough, with his back being turned and you hiding in the dark and all. You are now right behind your pursuer, ready to make a stealth kill.

SYRINGE (empty)
[.40] GLOCK 23 (5/15 rounds)
[.45] H&K MARK 23 (5/12 rounds)
[.38] S&W MODEL 586 (6/6 rounds)
[Shells] WINCHESTER 1300 DEFENDER (2/8 rounds)
[Shells] STOEGER COACH GUN (2/2 rounds)

CLOTHES (Hospital)
CLOTHES (Security Guard)
FOOTWEAR (Spare Pair of Shoes)
HEADGEAR (Smiley Mask)

People Killed/Deaths Witnessed: 12/18
Game Over Count: 5

put on smiley mask
and start murdering them violently with the hammer

put him in a sleeper hold and drag him into the dark domain

put him in a sleeper hold and drag him into the dark domain
snap nek

Take the deepest loving breather in existence

discard shard of glass

Sure, reminds me of BLOODLUST. I should read that again...

Stab him in the throat with the empty syringe, hammer it in if we need to get deeper.

(Also hey yo if you need any maps made I can whip one up for ya)

punch the next forgeter you see as hard as you loving can while screaming the most handicapped phrase you can think of

For the record I'm blind in this, images aren't loading.

After become murder, loot corpse for items.

Stab the shard of glass in someones eyes.