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Author Topic: BRUTALITY (Prologue Completed)  (Read 31733 times)

Crawl under fire then kill em with the Winchester.

if you run out of ammo switch to FN FNC

Mutilate the corpses to send a message when you're done.

Quick heads up: I've got college now. Updates might be even more irregular than they already are, and the amount of screenshots used might also be impacted since screenshotting takes longer than writing.

Grab the remington and cap the last snake

throw hammer to the right, throw nightstick to the left and throw the combat knife straight ahead and pray

tber updat
tber updat

College won't stop ass-kicking me.

throw hammer to the right, throw nightstick to the left and throw the combat knife straight ahead and pray

You throw away three melee weapons, hoping to hit Viper Six. None of them manage to hit, unfortunately.

Crawl under fire then kill em with the Winchester.

You get down low on the ground, literally crawl through the smoke and under all the bullets being sprayed out by Viper Six, and pop up!
Viper Six recoils in shock!
You shoot Viper Six in the face with the Winchester BLOWING HIS HEAD INTO PIECES!
Viper Six's headless corpse backflips into the nearest wall before bouncing off of it.

+ 7 Bloodlust(Now 77%): Casting the magic spell known as Headicus Explodicus

Your BLOODLUST level is now at Terrifying. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you're losing your marbles. You are very, very suspicious, and your disguises will not hold up as well. Pretending to be an average, non-murderous Joe is clearly going to be quite difficult, too, so you best avoid social situations. And other people. Considering how crowded this planet is, that's going to be tough.

Mutilate the corpses to send a message when you're done.

You whip out your knife and cut out messages into Viper Five and Six's corpses, thoroughly mutilating them in the process. While you mutilate Viper Six, you notice some fancy car keys for the Hummer that he used to crash through the hospital doors. You hear sirens in the distance.

+ 4 Bloodlust(Now 81%): Mutilation

when your done dealing with the guards continue to walk in a stupid fashion out the insane asylum

You stupid-walk out of the hospital, but you barely get a single step out the door. A bunch of police cars and SWAT vans arrive outside of the hospital and form a roadblock.

"POLICE! GET DOWN BEFORE I PUT YOU DOWN!" A booming voice threatens you over a loudspeaker. Evidently, a security guard called the cops about smiley-mask wearing inmates rioting when stuff started going to hell, and the cops finally arrived just in time for you to escape. You're dressed as a security guard, but your smiley mask and dangerously high amount of BLOODLUST makes the disguise pointless.

Seems like you'll have to intelligently brute-force this. You're massively outnumbered by the cops, but there's still a way to plow through the horde and escape.

Viper Five (HEADEXPLODED) armed with Remington 870 MCS shotgun
Viper Six (lovingDEAD) armed with FN M249 SPW Machine Gun
Way Too loving Many Cops and SWAT Officers For Me To List Them All (Seriously, like dozens of them) armed with Enough Firepower To Literally Rip You To Shreds

[.40] GLOCK 23 (5/15 rounds)
[.45] H&K MARK 23 (5/12 rounds)
[.38] S&W MODEL 586 (6/6 rounds)
[Shells] WINCHESTER 1300 DEFENDER (1/8 rounds)
[Shells] STOEGER COACH GUN (0/2 rounds)
[5.56]FN FNC (20/30 rounds)

CLOTHES (Hospital)
CLOTHES (Security Guard)
FOOTWEAR (Spare Pair of Shoes)
HEADGEAR (Smiley Mask)
CAR KEYS (Viper Six's Sturdy-As-Heck-Hummer)

People Killed/Deaths Witnessed: 16/22
Game Over Count: 6

are we still in our guard uniform?
take a big loving breather with the mask on and say

take m249 from dead guy and loving plow through police

The police will cover before your bloodlust

Can't do screenshots for every single little thing because that takes time and I've got weekend homework. Might be able to do screenshots again once you guys figure out how to get past the massive police roadblock outside the hospital. No way am I posing several dozen cops and SWAT Officers pointing and shooting guns.

are we still in our guard uniform?
take a big loving breather with the mask on and say

You take a breather through the mask and plead your innocence. The police fail to be fooled by your act, and repeat their orders for you to get down or be put down.

The police will cover before your bloodlust

You're massively outnumbered by the cops. Massive bloodlust is scary, but being significantly outnumbered, outgunned, and outforgeted is significantly less so.

take m249 from dead guy and loving plow through police

You swipe an M249 from Viper Six's corpse and open up on full auto with it at the roadblock. Just when it seems like you can Rambo your way through an entire army of cops, the machinegun runs dry... And Viper Six conveniently has no spare ammo on his dead body. In fact, barely anyone in this world seems to carry spare ammo for their gun. Almost like there's some sort of forgeted up ammo control going on that restricts how much spare ammo anyone in this world can carry, ensuring that you'll be perpetually low on ammo and forced to engage in melee combat eventually. Or maybe you're just really, really unlucky, and you're overthinking this whole entire thing.

You're standing out in the open with an empty machinegun. The police all return fire and literally rip you to shreds through massive amounts of lead thrown in your direction. Your gibbed corpse goes flying and splatters itself against the hospital walls.

Close, but no cigar. Hint: Check your inventory items.

Viper Five (HEADEXPLODED) armed with Remington 870 MCS shotgun
Viper Six (lovingDEAD) armed with FN M249 SPW Machine Gun
Way Too loving Many Cops and SWAT Officers For Me To List Them All (Seriously, like dozens of them) armed with Enough Firepower To Literally Rip You To Shreds

[.40] GLOCK 23 (5/15 rounds)
[.45] H&K MARK 23 (5/12 rounds)
[.38] S&W MODEL 586 (6/6 rounds)
[Shells] WINCHESTER 1300 DEFENDER (1/8 rounds)
[Shells] STOEGER COACH GUN (0/2 rounds)
[5.56]FN FNC (20/30 rounds)

CLOTHES (Hospital)
CLOTHES (Security Guard)
FOOTWEAR (Spare Pair of Shoes)
HEADGEAR (Smiley Mask)
CAR KEYS (Viper Six's Sturdy-As-Heck-Hummer) Seriously, it is really loving sturdy and can ram its way through a house before coming out just fine

People Killed/Deaths Witnessed: 16/22
Game Over Count: 7
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 11:21:42 PM by tber123 »

Should probs take the car and bust out while poppin caps

Should probs take the car and bust out while poppin caps
or fork a semi into the institute xdddddddddddddddd