Author Topic: My server crashing, what could this possibly mean?  (Read 3310 times)

you have too many addons enabled quite possibly, Ive had the same problem and it was because I enabled all my addons

you have too many addons enabled quite possibly, Ive had the same problem and it was because I enabled all my addons
I don't really think this could be the case.  Half the addons I normally have enabled are enabled (from trying to troubleshoot) and I'm still crashing, so I don't think that is the case.

I know it's an addon, I just don't know what...

I would recommend enabling groups of addons in each test, like all weapons first, then vehicles, and so on until you see it crash

It is caused by a client addon (hint)

I need help, so badly.  I cant find out what the forget is happening and it's SO FDFJSFGKDDSJGLHDGHFDJHKFHFJGH JFGHFHJ


Im gonna livestream this, can someone please come and help me figure this stuff out because I'm so angry.

I keep trying to tart up without changing anything I currently have enabled at all, and the crashes are never consistent!
Different stuff keeps crashing me, and it never crashes me two times in a row!
stuff that never gave me prolems are crashing my server and I have hardly anything enabled at all at this point, and blockland work with default enabled.

you may want to rename your BL folder and only copy over what you're going to be using

remove all client addons and glass and see if it works

and then attempt reintroducing glass and see if its ok then

Same here but it's definitely Glass causing it

I deleted a bunch of old client addons that I don't use and my problem was fixed.

I deleted a bunch of old client addons that I don't use and my problem was fixed.
thats usually it. I had the same problem about 2 years ago. It was a stupid custom theme client add-on that crashed my servers. I have no idea why but its the stufftiest form of crashing