7 years of Moonbase Alpha giving a realistic simulation of life on a satellite

Author Topic: 7 years of Moonbase Alpha giving a realistic simulation of life on a satellite  (Read 950 times)

i remember this
stuff was lit

why hasn't a fanbase remastered this yet? if we could have everything upgraded except for the stuffty TTS the world would be perfect

if you ignore the memes, the game is actually pretty cool to play with friends

if you ignore the memes, the game is actually pretty cool to play with friends
yeah until the chinese earthquake comes in ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr

yeah until the chinese earthquake comes in ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
dont forget about john madden
and aeiou

Maid Marian's space game is better.

I could walk on earth.

Maid Marian's space game is better.

I could walk on earth.

this hands down only real brothers remember landing on Earth

Snake? Snake? Snaaaaaaakool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkkeeeeeeeeeeeee!