Author Topic: red text tony  (Read 30933 times)

People can also make their text big

This is wrong. If you make your text the biggest you can and post whole loving page paragraphs you'll get banned lol.

I'm going to make my text slightly different so that people get annoyed

I'm going to make my text slightly different so that people get annoyed
same dude

There's nothing wrong with red text. This just feels like a witchhunt.

This is wrong. If you make your text the biggest you can and post whole loving page paragraphs you'll get banned lol.
True, but notice how i said 'big' and not 'enormous'

I'm going to make my text slightly different so that people get annoyed
This here's a good example of what i mean, or like this even

There's nothing wrong with red text. This just feels like a witchhunt.
You seem to be exaggerating the situation, we're just saying that it's unnecessary is all

You seem to be exaggerating the situation, we're just saying that it's unnecessary is all

Send me a PM then.

200 people telling me the exact same thing seems unnecessary.

why don't we just use the font feature?

BBCode shouldnt only be for important posts.
Agreed. It just shouldn't be overused. Bold part of your post. Don't color all of it. Colors are generally only useful in OPs and official update posts for like, status of projects and stuff. Done in green, WIP in orange and not started in red sort of thing, you know? But sometimes they're useful outside of that.

BBCode in moderation is ok but tony is just dumping buckets of red paint on his posts and it needs to stop it's annoying and pointless

it isn't even that bad like dude

200 people telling me the exact same thing seems unnecessary.
There's that exaggeration again, but that's exactly what i mean by drawing attention to your regular everyday posts with colored text, if you don't use the BBC buttons properly, you're gonna get a few complaints, no, you're not gonna be evicted, but you will get some hate mail for unnecessarily drawing attention to yourself in casual conversation

You're better off saving the colored text and whatnot for something like one of your news topics so that you draw more attention to those specifically

Red is the color of meat.

this may be off topic but tony what the forget is your avatar

this may be off topic but tony what the forget is your avatar

I'm not allowed to have this avatar too along with red text?

I'm not allowed to have this avatar too along with red text?
im just asking what the hell is that thing