Author Topic: red text tony  (Read 33376 times)

Once again: what is wrong with tony using red text
im probably not the right person to ask this question to if you can remember from this topic last week

the same people would be creating tony drama topics no matter what he did. if red text is the most awful thing we have going on, than the forums are in a good place.

Once again: what is wrong with tony using red text
it's obnoxious

Once again: what is wrong with tony using red text

I believe someone once created a drama that I changed my avatar too often.

I believe someone once created a drama that I changed my avatar too often.

it was for making other peoples avatars yours. Started a trend

it was for making other peoples avatars yours. Started a trend

Nope, I didn't take any avatars or anything like that.

They drama'd me for changing it too often. lol

I believe someone once created a drama that I changed my avatar too often.
A non red post? Come on Tony you're better than this.

I believe someone once created a drama that I changed my avatar too often.
you broke the streak, tony.

I believe someone once created a drama that I changed my avatar too often.

its all over man

its all over man

Your name is reddboy, you need red text, boy.

people will complain about anything these days

its spreading too far..