Author Topic: red text tony  (Read 31113 times)

It is very low on the list, but it's still another thing on the list, and that's why it's a problem, there's a list of things that Tony does and gets away with, this is just the new thing to pick on him for because the others are currently irrelevant

I don't particularly care about Tony using colored text, but i hate when people defend his actions when he's clearly doing these things to be a nuisance, this kind of behavior shouldn't be enabled or encouraged

If you're ignorant of the situation, or just don't really care about what's going on, then honestly, what you say doesn't matter, because in that case, the situation doesn't matter to you, it doesn't involve you, you have no say on the matter, "if you don't care, don't post"

And insulting those who are only trying to help this community only makes things look worse, we're not whining, we've been posting our reasons as to why we lash out over these insignificant things

Another thing that makes this insignificant thing not-so-insignificant is the fact that Tony's even still allowed to be here doing what he does, he's probably been banned enough times and had enough offenses to be BoS status, heck, the guy even has a restraining order! He was such a nuisance to an unmentionable group of people, that even when he didn't do something to them that got himself banned, it ended up giving him a restraining order against both them AND him!

So every new little gimmick he whips out and keeps up is just yet another painful reminder to those who actually care about this community that he still exists, and is/was for whatever reason, able to keep coming back

It is very low on the list, but it's still another thing on the list, and that's why it's a problem, there's a list of things that Tony does and gets away with, this is just the new thing to pick on him for because the others are currently irrelevant
So you're just admitting to scraping the barrel to bitch for no reason?

I don't particularly care about Tony using colored text, but i hate when people defend his actions when he's clearly doing these things to be a nuisance, this kind of behavior shouldn't be enabled or encouraged
You don't care about his actions yet at the same time care so much about his actions that you're scraping the barrel to bitch about him? Listen to yourself dude.

If you're ignorant of the situation, or just don't really care about what's going on, then honestly, what you say doesn't matter, because in that case, the situation doesn't matter to you, it doesn't involve you, you have no say on the matter, "if you don't care, don't post"
I don't have a say in the matter because I believe the matter is no big deal is what you're getting at then. forget off, you can't just bend the rules to mean whatever you want them to mean, because the rules clearly say "If you don't care, don't post" not "If you disagree with a drama your opinion doesn't matter and you're subliminally admitting you don't care". What do you mean it does not involve me? Drama was made for putting a spotlight on person(s) who OP believes is an issue and people give their view as to whether they agree it's an issue. Everyone who is on this forum can post in a drama with their opinion. They don't need to be an eye witness to the subject at hand.

Another thing that makes this insignificant thing not-so-insignificant is the fact that Tony's even still allowed to be here doing what he does, he's probably been banned enough times and had enough offenses to be BoS status, heck, the guy even has a restraining order! He was such a nuisance to an unmentionable group of people, that even when he didn't do something to them that got himself banned, it ended up giving him a restraining order against both them AND him!
Since Tony's return he really has not done much to warrant a ban. If he did, he'd be banned. This should be obvious. I think you need to do what possibly Badspot is doing and just ignore him. If you think he's a troll, why are you giving him attention? You and others months of bitching about this dude has done literally nothing. Take a hint.

So every new little gimmick he whips out and keeps up is just yet another painful reminder to those who actually care about this community that he still exists, and is/was for whatever reason, able to keep coming back
Why does a person who is a 'troll' on the Internet bother you so much? If they're a troll, being frustrated and crying about them is exactly what they want. He's been back for a pretty long time now, several months. You need to find something new to bitch about.

i haven't been well informed by lord tony's previous behaviour, and i also live under a rock;
but what is it with lord tony that everyone is always so pissed about? i never seem to get it. can someone explain

i haven't been well informed by lord tony's previous behaviour, and i also live under a rock;
but what is it with lord tony that everyone is always so pissed about? i never seem to get it. can someone explain
he exists and its just so triggering

i haven't been well informed by lord tony's previous behaviour, and i also live under a rock;
but what is it with lord tony that everyone is always so pissed about? i never seem to get it. can someone explain
literally just enter "lord tony" into the search feature

why is this thread suddenly serious again

Tony talks in short sentences most of the time on his posts, no reason to hate his red text.

Tony talks in short sentences most of the time on his posts, no reason to hate his red text.

What about when he combos those sentences with a quadruple post in a row?

It's like a franchise package on Steam. It's all-in-one.

Yall are giving him what he wants, the only reason hes doing this is to get a rise and it seems to be working, Although that doesnt make it alright.

Until he actually admits to trolling hes in the clear. Hes being enough of a nuisance to make people pissed but not enough to get banned for it.

Until he actually admits to trolling hes in the clear. Hes being enough of a nuisance to make people pissed but not enough to get banned for it.

He has had dozens of forum accounts, the first being in 2007/2008.

whats wrong with red text tho
like yall brothers be getting mad over a color
tbh I don't see anything wrong with him, all he does is post in red, change his avatar a lot, and post in politics and news topics

i haven't been well informed by lord tony's previous behaviour, and i also live under a rock;
but what is it with lord tony that everyone is always so pissed about? i never seem to get it. can someone explain
years back he spammed research on servers, then he migrated to the blf and has burned through a good 13 or so accounts trolling people. badspot put out an executive order so that if he mentions mlp he gets banned (he despised (s?) mlp), and since then has just been finding every possible way to be a nuisance without getting banned for it. The dude used to have friends and everything, to be honest he sounds so forgetin lonely lol

literally everyone who hates tony right now

I have plenty of friends.

heh. guess it's perfectly acceptable to want to draw more attention to your already obnoxious posts, awful personality, and generally unwanted existence
wen i see this i cant help but let out a chuckle and say
How ironic...