Author Topic: TorqueScript GUI Markdown parser or converter?  (Read 948 times)

Is there some parser for taking text received from a web page or resource written in Markdown and converting it into Torque's markup?

I think Greek2Me has a few XML parsers - otherwise I don't think so

There's several XML parsers. Greek2me is not the only one who made one.

However, I tried once to parse HTML to TML, but it ended up that I had to skip TML for most part and use GUI instead. For instance, if you do position:absolute on a block, you better position that correctly. It's more recommended to use the approach Greek2me used in Support_Updater where he made TML v2 and parsed that instead. Mostly because making a HTML to TML is a pain and you'll mostly end up creating your own browser.

It's more recommended to use the approach Greek2me used in Support_Updater where he made TML v2 and parsed that instead.

This is the approach I would recommend. Use my Support_TMLParser script that MT linked. It's very extendable - you can create your own schema, and even parse text according to multiple schemas.