Author Topic: cursed image thread  (Read 232927 times)

thats not that cursed its kind of funny

That's pretty loving cursed. Whoever made that probably had their balls drop recently

even if its cursed its nothing compared to most of the stuff in this thread in terms of cursed-level

The only cursed thing about that image is the fact that I can't see Yoshi's hot dino rooster

A new meaning to the Krusty Krab

the poor fish, jesus
animal cruelty is cursed

how is that any more cruel than putting your goldfish in a plastic bag? it's just temporary storage. sometimes I run out of plastic bags for my leftovers so I use a condom or two. More space anyways

how is that any more cruel than putting your goldfish in a plastic bag? it's just temporary storage. sometimes I run out of plastic bags for my leftovers so I use a condom or two. More space anyways
do you cum in plastic bags then

If I'm out of condoms (which is never)


Do you not use them?

kirby after absorbing ryu