Author Topic: Pseudo-scientific/pseudo-historic ideas that interest you.  (Read 11420 times)

You don't have to necessarily believe them, just find them interesting.

Hollow Earth
The idea that the Earth is Hollow and is habitable, some ideas of Hollow Earth include dinosaurs and aliens.

The advanced, wealthy ancient kingdom that sank in 9000 BC described by the Greek philosopher, Plato, the story also has origins in Egypt

Ancient Astronauts
The idea that aliens visited Earth in the distant past and made contact with humans and had an influence on religion.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 12:40:53 AM by MoleManFromMiddleMars »

Secretly we're all actually inside Blockland playing real life: the VR game.

hollow earth and the computer simulation theory always come to mind a lot tbh

is that second picture forgetin minecraft lmao

the reason NASA lies about the shape of the Earth is because they are reptilians and are hiding their habitat that is located under the Earth.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 07:03:05 PM by MoleManFromMiddleMars »

the reason NASA lies about the shape of the Earth is because they are reptilians are are hiding their habitat that is located under the Earth.

this is the most plausible reason i've seen for flat earth bullstuff tbh

if time travel is going on, we'd never know

if time travel is going on, we'd never know

I've heard of the idea that gray aliens evolved from humans and are visiting the past.