Author Topic: Pseudo-scientific/pseudo-historic ideas that interest you.  (Read 11416 times)

roko's basilisk
the premise is that a superintelligent ai punishes people who dont retroactively help it come into existence

its something like that

Always been semi-interested in aliens and UFO's mostly cause it's just plain interesting to think about.

i like the idea that aliens helped our early civilizations but i know its very likely to be bullstuff

i like the idea that aliens helped our early civilizations but i know its very likely to be bullstuff
Now could it be that the Holy Grail was some koind of extraterrestrial technology that was given to man koind by Jesus
You can't help but wonder was it that he was some koind of extraterrestial trying to help mankoind from some koind of sin?

Voice Over: Could it be that Jesus was in fact an extraterrestrial?

*Zooms in on a picture of Jesus and gives him glowing eyes"
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 06:08:08 AM by MoleManFromMiddleMars »

Now here's a real batstuff crazy theory:

Spaceship Moon
The idea that the moon is an ancient spaceship built by aliens, speculation of this idea came from the incident where the Moon rang like a bell for an hour during a NASA mission in the 70s, which lead some to believe the Moon is hollow, like a bell.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 05:49:38 AM by MoleManFromMiddleMars »

Ghost Hunting
Paranormal investigators who go to places said to have been haunted by ghosts.
Using their ghost hunting instruments, they look for evidence of paranormal activity.
This concept of hunting ghosts influenced the cult classic, Ghostbusters.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 05:57:17 AM by MoleManFromMiddleMars »

Here's a hairy one:

This creature is half-man, half-gorilla, half- chimpanzee, and roams the woods of North America eating dogs and sometimes people. Hes been caught on camera hundreds of times but the government still is not attemtping to make contact.

Now here's a real batstuff crazy theory:

Spaceship Moon
The idea that the moon is an ancient spaceship built by aliens, speculation of this idea came from the incident where the Moon rang like a bell for an hour during a NASA mission in the 70s, which lead some to believe the Moon is hollow, like a bell.
That's no moon...

Paul McCartney Alein
Paul never died, the truth is he was abducted and had his physiology modified so that he is in fact now part-alien. tHis is how he became the best Beatle (or did he? that's for you to decide.) photographic evidence:

before moment of transformation:

after moment of transformation:

It is most likely marijuana was involved in Paul's transformation procedure.  :/

"giza mass autism array"

a weapon to surpass metal gear

computer simulation theory has always fascinated me

sometimes i like to just search for stuff like "mars cydonia face" or "moon structure" or whatever and just go into google images and get stuff like:

(open imgs in new tab or something to enlarge)

i just love this crazy stuff even though i don't believe a single word