Author Topic: Pseudo-scientific/pseudo-historic ideas that interest you.  (Read 11489 times)

Young Earth Creationism?
how do these people explain radiocarbon dating/tectonics?

do they just think that the earth was made in 5 minutes and whenever god gets pissed, he shakes that stuff like a margarita tumbler to punish us or something?

how do these people explain radiocarbon dating/tectonics?

do they just think that the earth was made in 5 minutes and whenever god gets pissed, he shakes that stuff like a margarita tumbler to punish us or something?
I remember after providing a bunch of evidence to someone on the forums here they literally (i'm not exaggerating) got backed into a corner and said that the universe just popped into being with everything in the exact right place to suggest that it's billions of years old specifically to fool us, when in reality, it was only 6000 years old. Like what? At that point it's more useful to study how old it appears to be rather than the intentionally misleading purported reality.

how do these people explain radiocarbon dating/tectonics?

do they just think that the earth was made in 5 minutes and whenever god gets pissed, he shakes that stuff like a margarita tumbler to punish us or something?
the world was created in that form to appear as if there were tectonics and carbon dating stuff

its all a big conspirrracccyyyy

Speaking of biblical theories, The Pre-adamism Hypothesis is an interesting concept.

ghost stuff is really fascinating

ghost stuff is really fascinating
never knew ghosts were capable of doin that

ghost stuff is really fascinating

is this like a phantom stuff

The Holocaust
The idea that the national socialists killed around 6 million Jews during WWII.

no i didn't mean it like that i dont forget with spirit feces

next time your house smells bad call for an exorcism

I remember after providing a bunch of evidence to someone on the forums here they literally (i'm not exaggerating) got backed into a corner and said that the universe just popped into being with everything in the exact right place to suggest that it's billions of years old specifically to fool us, when in reality, it was only 6000 years old. Like what? At that point it's more useful to study how old it appears to be rather than the intentionally misleading purported reality.
What the actual forget?

So in other words, the geologic timescale is just a crock of bullstuff some crackpot scientists made up to fool us all, fossils are all fake/intentionally placed to make us doubt, and any evidence that the earth is actually more than 6000 years old is just a prank bro?

dear lord

I'd love to see them explain the Messinian Salinity CrCIA. How the forget did all those precipitated minerals/salt get there if it wasn't an ocean repeatedly draining/filling for 270,000 yrs? Did God just make the geologic record appear this way just to trick everyone? Or are scientists just bullstuffting everyone? The Miocene epoch began 23Ma and the Messinian Salinity CrCIA 5.6Ma after all, or is that some bullstuff misdirection by divine intervention to test our faith?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 10:17:53 PM by Cappytaino »

So in other words, the geologic timescale is just a crock of bullstuff some crackpot scientists made up to fool us all, fossils are all fake/intentionally placed to make us doubt, and any evidence that the earth is actually more than 6000 years old is just a prank bro?
how else? entire worlds can be created with nothing more than a good nights sleep

whats to say a God cant do the same thing?

even your memories are nothing more than a bunch of chemicals in your head that could have been created by a God five minutes ago

Riddler Escaped to Argentina/Antarctica

The idea that Riddler didn't commit Self Delete and that the body they found was an impersonator hired by Riddler and the actual Riddler escaped to Antarctica/Argentina with Eva Braun.

is the bottom right one ed sullivan