Author Topic: Pseudo-scientific/pseudo-historic ideas that interest you.  (Read 11492 times)

Evolution, germs, and gravity cause they're all just theories lol. Pretty wild how scientists still can't explain why things fall. It's got me really considering flat earth.

there's no evidence to suggest it at all tho, so at this point it may as well be pseudoscience/science fiction. obvs i'd like for it to be true cus it's neat as Hell, but afaik there's nothin
what the heck. looking into it I really can't find any evidence or even reasons to believe. I can't imagine hawking and co believe in it because it's a neat concept.

what the heck. looking into it I really can't find any evidence or even reasons to believe. I can't imagine hawking and co believe in it because it's a neat concept.
it's kinda difficult thinking that there's only one universe and only one human race in existence. although technically if you want you could say that parallel universes are just abstract ideas

The Reptilian Illuminati

A real insane one this is.

Proposed by David Icke that many governments around are secretly being controlled by blood sucking lizard people who shape shift into human form in order to disguise themselves, their agenda, which they have going on with for thousands of years, is to enslave humanity or something among those lines.

Evolution, germs, and gravity cause they're all just theories lol. Pretty wild how scientists still can't explain why things fall. It's got me really considering flat earth.
Just because it's a theory doesn't mean it's not science.

what the heck. looking into it I really can't find any evidence or even reasons to believe. I can't imagine hawking and co believe in it because it's a neat concept.
They believe in it because it's the only way we could have evidence in the case it ends up being true.
Evidence for things doesn't come from nowhere. They come from someone believing and researching something unknown or not believed in.

Just because it's a theory doesn't mean it's not science.
Much better defense: in science, theories are grand explanations of phenomena, usually substantiated by laws and previously tested hypotheses

the skeleton war
if your grave does not say "rest in peace" you are drafted into the skeleton war

if your grave does not say "rest in peace" you are drafted into the skeleton war

this is actually meant to filter out weaklings and only summon people from dead warrior cultures like the vikings

Dude is delusional.
Last time I saw a video by this guy, he was explaining how the moon was fake or something.

there's no evidence to suggest it at all tho, so at this point it may as well be pseudoscience/science fiction. obvs i'd like for it to be true cus it's neat as Hell, but afaik there's nothin
True. But many of the popular models used nowadays to explain quantum phenomena also predict the existence of mutliple universe. By your same standard, gravitational waves as per Einstein's theory of relativity were "pseudoscience/science fiction" until LIGO detected direct evidence of them in September of 2015. Evidence is important. But something isn't necessarily psuedoscientific just because evidence hasn't been found for it yet. Granted, it should be noted that Einstein's theory of relativity successfully explained recorded phenomena were previous theory's failed. So until 2015, gravitation waves were only a conceptual model to explain gravity, not an actual tangible things: much like string theory or multiple universe theories today.

Dude is delusional.
Nah dude, did you notice the cutesy animation and high pitched voice? He's totally credible. Nobody with animation and sound editing skills can be wrong.

True. But many of the popular models used nowadays to explain quantum phenomena also predict the existence of mutliple universe. By your same standard, gravitational waves as per Einstein's theory of relativity were "pseudoscience/science fiction" until LIGO detected direct evidence of them in September of 2015. Evidence is important. But something isn't necessarily psuedoscientific just because evidence hasn't been found for it yet. Granted, it should be noted that Einstein's theory of relativity successfully explained recorded phenomena were previous theory's failed. So until 2015, gravitation waves were only a conceptual model to explain gravity, not an actual tangible things: much like string theory or multiple universe theories today.
i'd consider accurate models to be reasonable enough evidence. einstein's work was mostly theoretical so it didn't have evidence, but it accurately described behavior that we could test and prove and was also capable of making accurate predictions. i wasn't aware that any existing physics knowledge suggested the existence of other universes tho, if you had a linkle to some more info on that would be neat to hear about. either way the concept of multiple universes doesn't seem to help describe much in our universe so i duno

i'd consider accurate models to be reasonable enough evidence. einstein's work was mostly theoretical so it didn't have evidence, but it accurately described behavior that we could test and prove and was also capable of making accurate predictions. i wasn't aware that any existing physics knowledge suggested the existence of other universes tho, if you had a linkle to some more info on that would be neat to hear about. either way the concept of multiple universes doesn't seem to help describe much in our universe so i duno