Author Topic: Wtf is with these names.  (Read 7188 times)

hey at least your name isnt taken and used in conjuction with the persons first name. i am sick of haveing ppl come in and have names like john or jack or colin or cassy or other names that dont begin with j or c

hey at least your name isnt taken and used in conjuction with the persons first name. i am sick of haveing ppl come in and have names like john or jack or colin or cassy or other names that dont begin with j or c

Someone connected to my server with the name "MONKEYMAN!!!!!!!!!", give or take a few exclamation marks.

That guy's just annoying he was pinking me...

i am sick of people being un imaginitive and having names that say john jake, stuff like that. they got to learn that you DONT have to but your name in the name box. it just annoyes the living heck out of me. i didnt buy blockland to play with a guy called bob.

i am sick of people being un imaginitive (it's imaginative) and having names that say john jake, stuff like that. they got to learn that you DONT have to but your name in the name box. it just annoyes (it's annoys) the living heck out of me. i didnt buy blockland to play with a guy called bob.

#1: Who said they had to be imaginative?

#2: Mabye they want to put their name in the name box? They can put whatever they want, within reason. (schmexmonkeh - not within reason under my standards.)

#3: Who cares that it annoys you?

i saw a guyy called harry balls O_O

I saw a copy cat of me, his ID may have been lower but who is to say that he still did not steal my name(his is Xd mine is XD!)...
(do not make a "im to say" joke...)

i am sick of people being un imaginitive and having names that say john jake, stuff like that. they got to learn that you DONT have to but your name in the name box. it just annoyes the living heck out of me. i didnt buy blockland to play with a guy called bob.
starfish, my names Colten

Players I recall to have met in game:

(+ [   ] -:-) It's a PSP
master spartan
death reaper

To each one I said "You're a stupid cigarette", or in the immortal words of Zack:
Quote from: USSR Server
zack: your stuped flag


Now that's just plain awesome.

I just recently talked to King of Myspace

The nice thing about all these nooby names is that we can easily identify the noobs before they have a chance to screw something up!

Yay for prejudice!

Disclaimer : This person does not claim that you should ban anyone based upon their crappy name or 3000+ ID. It is illegal in the state of Blockland to discriminate based on Age, Name or ID thanks to the "they gave me money" clause in the Constitution. Noobs are now protected from abuse...sorta. All hail Badspot!

Antallion. But everyone seems to mess it up with Antlion (WTF? Lernn too be in the posechion of teh skeel of reeedeeng!).

So unless some newcigarette calls themselves Antlion, I'm safe.