Author Topic: Autocracy, the Forum game. | Waking up to ash and dust.  (Read 3161 times)

As you start to drift back to consciousness, you begin to remember the last moments you remembered on the day before. So far, not much. But you have a distinct memory of someone in your peripherals, coming closer to you. But, its very hazy. Anyhow, you begin to faze into consciousness.
 As you do, you notice the rising pain in your head as the numbness of sleep dissipates from your senses. You open your eyes to find a bright light at the foot of your bed. If it is your bed. All you know is that you are laying down, and your resting your head on some-sort of pillow. You immediately seal your eyes shut. You try to prop yourself up, but the pain in your head turns from a dull one to the feeling of someone driving a white-hot nail into your skull.

You instantly regret it. You begin to rub your head to try to dull the pain, but it does little to help. You dont want to get out of bed, but something in the back of your mind is nagging at you to get up. What to do?

get up again because why not

You get up, and you get back down again. And you get back up, why not?

[Ignore the purple checkers, I dont know whats causing this to happen.]

But as you get up that final time, you see a pile of garbage next to your bunk. I forgot to mention this before, but you're in a barracks.

On the bunk in front of you, there is a little chest, which is obviously empty. On top of the chest is a series of medical tools, some water, and a roll of bandages. On the floor in front of the bunk are dirty bandages. The roll of bandages appear to be clean, so it would be easy to apply if need-be.

On the other side of the room, you see a large, red box on the wall. It has a quite obvious white cross on the front. But, on the far right box,
 there is something else on top of it...

Perception Roll: 1d6 = 5

All that you can tell from that distance, is that it is a pistol. There also appears to be two magazines which fit into the gun. What to do?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 12:25:36 AM by Agent Legit 22 »

iirc, the purple and black checker reflections can be fixed by having mat_phong set to 0

You stretch

On complete chance, you look to your left and spot a few objects.

You find a TEC-9 and Pouch!

All of a sudden, the radio goes off, and a voice carries through the speakers.
What do you do?

yawn through the microphone

You yawn LOUDLY into the microphone, making the voice on the other side stutter.

"Theres a whole army outside this barracks, and they are willing to kill you!  You have to be caref--"

You suddenly stab the microphone through the radio. You then pick it up, and throw it to the ground.

You seethe at the destroyed radio. How dare it interrupt you!

Your train of thought is interrupted by a voice coming from the outside of the barracks.

They're about to come in!

WhAt Do?11!

tell the people outside to go away because you are very tired