Author Topic: post your favorite albums version 666  (Read 9977 times)

my top 12 in no particular order


hey those are great kobe btw nice sculpt

soen and leprous on the same chart holy stuff

nal this is such a good chart im proud of you man

never knew you were a swans fan nal

good albums Nal, even if your taste hardly extends before the 90's. stop reading pitchfork though.

I only listen to real music.

ill just post this here again because it has barely changed
« Last Edit: October 28, 2017, 08:20:52 PM by Kringleberg »

I love pretty much every album you posted but these 4 are what I would call sheer perfection

(except for the secret life of arabia)

Last night I listened to Miles's Live-Evil for the first time, I think it was supposed to be sort of a sequel to Bitches Brew. I'm guessing you've heard it? are you a fan? I dug the hell out of it.

Also, are you familiar with Electric Masada?? It's a prog/jazz outfit with John Zorn. In 2005 they recorded an album called At the Mountains of Madness, it's balls-to-the-wall fusion not unlike what Miles was doing on BB-- I think you'd be a fan, if you aren't already.

cheers Kringleberg