Author Topic: You're given dev powers for a week  (Read 6814 times)

all songs replaced with power metal and all avatars replaced with cute tomboys and traps

Categorize the add-ons list better, preview all icons/names for bricks in addon list, preview thumbnails/descriptions for addons in the addon list, add a lot of popular/useful addons as default (duplicator), add some standard GUI stuff (meters all over the place probably)

also load DLLs as part of vanilla and look into better bot pathing

open source it if that's allowed too

oh also a lot of new customization options if possible. more arms/legs/hands/feet, mix & match face decals (so you can have one for left eye, one for right eye, one for mouth, etc. but they're all picking from the same list). maybe hair.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 04:26:12 PM by Super Suit 12 »

all avatars replaced with cute tomboys and traps
what an oxymoron

what an oxymoron

u wana fight u moronic oxy????
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 08:49:00 PM by Electrk. »

decompile all .dso files to .cs for anyone to see, work with pecon to make the source code publicly accessible and cataloged

decompile all .dso files to .cs for anyone to see, work with pecon to make the source code publicly accessible and cataloged
thats not exactly that hard..... . .. . .   .

it just would defeat the purpose of authentication and keys if it was all released.

make blockland free to play and add micro-transactions

clone the entirety of the game's code (auth server, master server, etc) to one of my local machines and look over it and make tweaks on my end

i've been thinking about this for a while

-make addon list presets default
-rewrite or fix fx errors (like not being able to see fx'd bricks through transparent bricks)
-get rid of jvs doors
-make it impossible to buy more than one alt if your original account isn't revoked, but you'd still be able to buy one as a gift for someone (there could be a possible loophole around buying one for a friend, but this might be blockable if they were ip checked to see if both parties already have a copy, either through steam or other means)
-remove unnecessary files from the blockland folder (i.e. hats)
-no second chances for someone who was revoked
-make distribution of old versions of blockland bannable
-improve shaders

there's probably more stuff pertaining to running the userbase more efficiently but w/e

i've been thinking about this for a while

-make addon list presets default
-rewrite or fix fx errors (like not being able to see fx'd bricks through transparent bricks)
-get rid of jvs doors
-make it impossible to buy more than one alt if your original account isn't revoked, but you'd still be able to buy one as a gift for someone (there could be a possible loophole around buying one for a friend, but this might be blockable if they were ip checked to see if both parties already have a copy, either through steam or other means)
-remove unnecessary files from the blockland folder (i.e. hats)
-no second chances for someone who was revoked
-make distribution of old versions of blockland bannable
-improve shaders

there's probably more stuff pertaining to running the userbase more efficiently but w/e
and how again are you going to enforce this

I'd add maps back and get RTB fully running.

I can't revoke but I can ban everyone :^)

add several well designed addons as default (new duplicator, terrain generator, new/long-range brick tool (i forget what it was called), etc.)

allow settings to bypass certain errors on brickplacement (stuck, floating, whatnot) without the game exploding

fix the oct tree because of broken rendering