teen titans go

Author Topic: teen titans go  (Read 8540 times)

I swear the next time someone says "it's for kids so I'll give it a pass" about anything I will literally reach through the computer screen and shake them into a coma

Once you see the original show and then look at the reboot, then yeah it's really bad
teen titan go isn't even a reboot, it's just a stuffty spinoff

man am i happy to not have cable

it pisses me off how they only cater to the younger crowd with ttg. i wouldn't hate it as much if it was written to be enjoyable for all ages.
Whaaaat? Naaah, they totally appeal to the older crowd! They have The Night Begins to Shine that has an 80's aesthetic and Cyborg even references Optimus Prime's famous line from that old Transformers movie, heck, Cyborg's general purpose is to appeal to the older audience with VCRs, the A-Team, brown townog TVs, The Pointer Sisters, HAL 9000, etc

If there's ever a reference to something from before the 2000's, it's probably because of Cyborg

Oh, and there's also that 'stuck on an island' series they had that was just one big reference to Castaway and Gilligan's Island

imagine watching childrens cartoons past the age of 12

imagine watching childrens cartoons past the age of 12
imagine being an adult

Teen Titans Go forget Yourself
Teen Titans Go To Hell
Teen Titans Go Die In A Hole
Teen Titans....Stop

I can't think of anything else from here.


Teen Titans Go forget Yourself
Teen Titans Go To Hell
Teen Titans Go Die In A Hole
Teen Titans....Stop

I can't think of anything else from here.
Teen Titans Go home and die

imagine watching childrens cartoons past the age of 12
some of them still hold up!

imagine watching childrens cartoons past the age of 12
imagine having a stick so far up your ass it blinds you to the irony of the fact that you posted this on a lego forum.

I saw the pilot for O.K K.O and i gotta say, not to bad, the voice actor is the same one for gohan in DBZ

I saw the pilot for O.K K.O and i gotta say, not to bad, the voice actor is the same one for gohan in DBZ
And kid Goku. I always hear kid goku before the old gohan voice.

teen titans go, cartoon network's most popular show, should be canceled 'cause i'm a young adult who watched the original when i was 4 and i don't enjoy teen titans go as much

teen titans go, cartoon network's most popular show, should be canceled 'cause i'm a young adult who watched the original when i was 4 and i don't enjoy teen titans go as much
Despite what granny says, cartoons arent just for children.
Look at family guy, and any of the recent super hero cartoon movies.

Im getting some serious "video games are just for kids" flashbacks.