Author Topic: older blockland user check-in.  (Read 171683 times)

hi do i count as a human being

I joined blockland in 2013-2014.

anyone remember trash man?

did he implode?
hes stuck in trashman's world

Looks like it's Kaje's birthday!

Happy birthday, Kaje!

Thanks everyone!  Didn't think anyone would notice.  I'm finally out of my 20's...

hes stuck in trashman's world
Is that like the Scatman's world?

Thanks everyone!  Didn't think anyone would notice.  I'm finally out of my 20's...
You old coot!

Oh wait, i think i remember that map, i think it was used in a dogfight server that i once joined

anyone remember trash man?

did he implode?

I used to make dungeons with trash back in vanilla, miss that dude :sad:

Oh wait, i think i remember that map, i think it was used in a dogfight server that i once joined
me, i remember that map 100% for sure. iirc there was a really good click challenge on there before.

trashman world 5 is one of my favorite maps ever

Let me just pop in here so everyone can find Waldo.....

How are y'all doing today?

i'm not entirely sure as i count as one of the older blockland users (my main account's id is 37465) but i don't play blockland anymore and lifes pretty stuffty

anyways hi