Author Topic: older blockland user check-in.  (Read 187069 times)

What has changed in the past 5 years?
I certainly have.
The BLF has

Things got pretty ugly on the previous SMF version of the BLF, so everything had to be moved over to SMF 2.0.15

Also, feel free to check the development board for changes to Blockland

Also also, if you aren't aware, co-Blockland developers Rotondo and Kompressor have their own games now called The Forgettable Dungeon, and Marble It Up

Hello. Not sure any one will remember me I always came and went and don't think I made too much of an impact on anyone.

what a lengthy list of familiar names.
man, it's been forever

i'm DeviceHasBeenModified btw, though i never really used the forums much

it's kind of weird to come back here and hardly see any familiar faces anymore, but i still remenber the good times in one of the few communities i've integrated to before

Neozuki! My ID neighbor! Where and how've you been?

I feel like a million dollars my id-brother hope you've been well.

Hello.I havent played in a long time. Checking in. ID 7926

Anyone who has checked in as an older blockland user should get on blockland now

Anyone who has checked in as an older blockland user should get on blockland now

this topic is coming up on two years old. hard to believe. felt like last week i started it.

this topic is coming up on two years old. hard to believe. felt like last week i started it.
I've been on this forum for 10 years now, and it's strange how much has changed. Almost no one from 2009 is still here, and many features have come and gone.

I must wonder, when was the peak of blockland...

I've been on this forum for 10 years now, and it's strange how much has changed. Almost no one from 2009 is still here, and many features have come and gone.

I must wonder, when was the peak of blockland...

I miss when there were always a ton of people on :(

also my blid is 19500, not sure if I've been here long enough to make the cut :p

this is the first post ive made here since the layout changed, I have so many memories on the game and the forums, but coming back to it and seeing how dead it is now makes me sad so I rarely come back and play, I wish something would change and the game could be at least semi popular again, it has so much unrecognized potential if people only knew it existed

this is the first post ive made here since the layout changed, I have so many memories on the game and the forums, but coming back to it and seeing how dead it is now makes me sad so I rarely come back and play, I wish something would change and the game could be at least semi popular again, it has so much unrecognized potential if people only knew it existed
honestly not in its current state - having a creator who never pushes updates anymore severely hurts any chances of this game becoming popular again. an example of this is minecraft - I returned to it a while ago to check out the new aquatic update and it's pulled me back into the game entirely, otherwise I wouldn't be playing it anymore.
a creator who puts in as much effort into the game as add-on creators do (think of ephi with RTB) puts more motivation into the community to continue going because the game feels fresh with new official content - a sort-of reward back to the community for putting effort into modding. but vanilla blockland has been the exact same for the past many years.