Author Topic: petition to ban nix the glaceon  (Read 35526 times)

if you're this desperate for pixel art then draw it yourself jesus christ

if you're this desperate for pixel art then draw it yourself jesus christ
bitch you made a thread for giving away pixel art, you didnt deliver at all and are going "just do it yourself smh"

thats a cuck move

bitch you made a thread for giving away pixel art, you didnt deliver at all and are going "just do it yourself smh"

thats a cuck move

lets not forget that you also opened requests for making kerbal space program planets (i think it was from that game) and you didnt deliver the planets either

if you're this desperate for pixel art then draw it yourself jesus christ
i mean if you cant or dont want to deliver just lock the thread

nix more like
DIXKS the forgetceon

if you're this desperate for pixel art then draw it yourself jesus christ

Who is this "nix" character and why is he hated so much?!?!?

if you're this desperate for pixel art then draw it yourself jesus christ

that's like telling a dude at a food kitchen to go to walmart are you loving handicapped

noedit: jesus loving christ nix is a brat

i thought he stopped acting like a gigantic sperg but i guess not
is he gonna threaten Self Delete again next