Author Topic: Sweden has gender neutral schools.  (Read 15298 times)

I'm supposed to respect the fact that he refuses to treat other people with basic dignity because it conflicts with his politics?

Yes, you are. Sometimes people do things you don't think is right, and no matter what you say or do will ever, EVER change that. Either come to accept this, or continue wasting your breath.

I'm supposed to respect the fact that he refuses to treat other people with basic dignity because it conflicts with his politics?
just because they (abstract rigidly-conservative person) aren't tolerant of other people doesnt justify you not being tolerant of them

the world sucks and people that disagree with you will always exist. and nearly always they have their own justifications and reasons for it as well. you can't nullify someone's life experiences with pure rhetoric.

whoops thought this was politics thread for a sec
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 07:31:02 PM by Drydess »

just because they (abstract rigidly-conservative person) aren't tolerant of other people doesnt justify you not being tolerant of them

the world sucks and people that disagree with you will always exist. and nearly always they have their own justifications and reasons for it as well. you can't nullify someone's life experiences with pure rhetoric.
to be fair, consciously making a decision to create an environment that is inhospitable to someone because you disagree with their identity is a bit further up the chain of unpleasant than a simple disagreement, and more importantly, it's an action, not just a state of being

to be fair, consciously making a decision to create an environment that is inhospitable to someone because you disagree with their identity is a bit further up the chain of unpleasant than a simple disagreement, and more importantly, it's an action, not just a state of being
yes but the world is far from perfect and will always be. what's "right" will end up winning out in the long run - nothing you can do arguing to some unimportant people who can't affect policy nor do serious damage/change will really make your beliefs "right". these people likely got their beliefs from a lifetime of experiences and it would take years to break them, let alone replace them with your own views.

note i put "right" in quotes cause in this situation im defining it as what ends up sticking around decades to centuries after the fact. aka morality and kindness and "good" may not win out in the end

you're continuing to demonize him

doesn't kimon do this to just about anyone who disagrees with him
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 08:28:54 PM by Køtt »

doesn't kimon do this to just about anyone who disagrees with him

yes kimon is a known troll

I'm supposed to respect the fact that he refuses to treat other people with basic dignity because it conflicts with his politics?
communism literally does this

yes kimon is a known troll
He is a troll but he's so bad at it that all he manages to do is make himself look handicapped

doesn't kimon do this to just about anyone who disagrees with him

Right, and Deus Ex accuses people he disagrees with of supporting white genocide and male castration.

Right, and Deus Ex accuses people he disagrees with of supporting white genocide and male castration.
You literally support genocide dont talk

You literally support genocide dont talk
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He is a troll but he's so bad at it that all he manages to do is make himself look handicapped

All of this stuff I've managed to kick up aside and back to the main point of the topic,

After taking a quick breather, while I still disagree with the very notion of a "gender neutral" school for children because I think it's just plain unnecessary because kids don't even worry about gender at that age, aside from the push to use "they" pronouns on kids that don't even identify as nonbinary, it's not as objectionable as I originally stated. While I hesitate to give any ground to people who think like this, because I know people who think like this do the same thing every ideological moral busybody does and slowly tries to expand their influence until it's all-encompassing and oppressive.

I'm having difficulty putting my exact feelings towards things like this into words. I don't really care if a kid naturally comes to that conclusion about themselves on their own. It doesn't exactly bother me if they are introduced to the concept of transgenderism. What bothers me is that I know something like this, while it sounds good on paper, when implemented, will probably forget some kids up. Kids are very imaginative and they're always loving around pretending to be things for fun. Maybe it's a bit of a stretch but I feel like for some children the whole referring to them as "they" all the time will instill in them this completely unnecessary identity that they would never have come to on their own if they had been left in a regular environment. And what if a situation like that forgets that kid up, and they're going about their entire lives believing their trans when they just really liked to play mommy or be a fireman or whatever while they were in kindergarten?

Beyond that, I feel like there's this weird kind of demonization of the gender binary that's getting out of control. The gender binary is not some kind of oppressive rule of law that dictates how someone must behave. It is not a codified guidebook to how men and women should act. It is simply the result of human physiology. We are a loveually (di?)morphic species. We have two sets of predetermined default forms. Male or female. snake or vagina. Interlove people do not count as they are simply outliers with genetic defects. By attempting to de-legitamize the gender binary, progressives engage in the very same kind of science denial that led to us mocking the living stuff out of creationists. Gender is not a social construct. Gender roles are a social construct. Any specific way someone feels they are compelled to act by society's standards of their gender is the result of gender roles, not the gender binary itself. Attempting to do away with the gender binary is tackling the issue at the wrong angle.

I'm well aware I said a lot of off-color stuff here, and I won't make any excuses - or apologies - for it, because for the most part, I stand by what I said. But, I have to say, I feel like we got way off topic here. Not sure how I managed to get Islam involved in a discussion about gendered schools, but that's interesting, I guess. In any case, I'd like to very clear: I do not hate trans people. I do not hate Muslims. I do not think Sweden is a country full of pussified men. Yet. I do think nonbinary genders are either attention whoring millennials or simply confused people who need to get their stuff together. I don't think nonbinary people are trans, because being trans would require you to want to be a male or female. There is no reference frame in human physiology or psychology for other genders, because they simply do not exist. I'm not even going to bother shooting myself in the foot again by going over the pitfalls of fundamentalist Islam.

Like I said, I won't make any apologies for anything I said, but I do apologize for getting off topic and going on tangents that were as a whole relatively pointless to the matter at hand. I'll try to wait for the next migrant rape topic to make comments on migrant rapists and how they subvert a culture.

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Did you get this cringy meme off of tumblr kimon?

just gotta say i really appreciate this post a lot. like i shouldnt appreciate this this much but i do and i want you to know that.