Author Topic: Google fires James Damore for memo on echochamber  (Read 24627 times)

It's an obvious fact when many many many biological scientists have proven it so
Oh stuff! You got me! I totally forgot when Mr. Science proved it so, thanks!

You aren't going to begin denying actual proven facts are you

Wouldn't be the worst thing that's been said in this thread, honestly

are you telling me that's impossible? Women are biologically inferior to men when it comes to say--lifting weights--and better when it comes to giving birth--obviously. Those are biological distinctions that exist. Are you telling me it's impossible that women struggle more with technical jobs than men due to something biological? For someone who claims to be so liberal, I'd expect you to actually listen to science and not claim loveism when someone suggests that there might be a biological distinction in the tech industry
i guess it's not impossible, but you'd wanna actually provide scientific evidence of this instead of just saying women have inferior brain function for higher-level thinking tasks like programming. i definitely agree with the direction kimon was going, that the differences in traits/interests is much more greatly influenced by well-documented social influences rather than a natural inferiority. not just because i believe in gender equality, but because i legitimately don't believe that's the most viable scientific explanation.

edit note: i haven't read the paper, i'm just continuing the dialogue here. i don't know if this was the actual content so i don't want to come across as debating against what the memo said
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 03:05:04 AM by otto-san »

I don't see what's inherently wrong with a corporation having a left bias, cause I don't really buy the notion that diversity of political opinions really has anything to do with good software solutions
this comment is dumb

Shut up

Oh stuff! You got me! I totally forgot when Mr. Science proved it so, thanks!
in case it wasnt clear this is me being exasperated at the idea of someone saying "many many many biological scientists have proven it so" without citing sources (hence "Mr. Science") or even recognizing how loving silly it is to claim that almost the whole biological field (hence "Mr. Science") basically completely agrees on the entire theory of significant loveual dimorphism in men and women's capacities on every axis it's been applied

Shut up
:( sorry

i guess it's not impossible, but you'd wanna actually provide scientific evidence of this instead of just saying women have inferior brain function for higher-level thinking tasks like programming. i definitely agree with the direction kimon was going, that the differences in traits/interests is much more greatly influenced by well-documented social influences rather than a natural inferiority. not just because i believe in gender equality, but because i legitimately don't believe that's the most viable scientific explanation.

edit note: i haven't read the paper, i'm just continuing the dialogue here. i don't know if this was the actual content so i don't want to come across as debating against what the memo said
Except he didn't say "women are less intelligent", he said 'distinctions in biology MAY IN PART be responsible for the divide. I don't know if they are or not, I just despise people calling equating a scientific fact (that men and women are biologically different) with loveism. If he had said that he knew exactly what caused it and was wrong I would understand being disgusted (because that'd actually be loveist if he claimed women were inferior when they weren't) but he didn't claim anything, he just proposed a scientific possibility

No YOU shut up

No u!1!!!1!

I was in the middle of something and I couldn't type a full reply but what I really wanted to say in response was it's not a dumb comment. The current politics of the left involve echo chambers and shouting people who disagree w/ them back into silence, after removing them from social media and stripping them of their livelihoods. This has happened time and time again to many people who might not even be on the right, but are simply to the right of the far left, which has wrestled control from the more sane people to continue pushing their identity politics. Seventh here doesn't have to be a part of this strain of liberalism was what I was saying. It doesn't need him to sustain itself.

Except he didn't say "women are less intelligent", he said 'distinctions in biology MAY IN PART be responsible for the divide. I don't know if they are or not, I just despise people calling equating a scientific fact (that men and women are biologically different) with loveism. If he had said that he knew exactly what caused it and was wrong I would understand being disgusted (because that'd actually be loveist if he claimed women were inferior when they weren't) but he didn't claim anything, he just proposed a scientific possibility
right, that's why i added the disclaimer there. i was under the impression you were playing devil's advocate to the idea that women could legitimately be biologically disadvantaged for tech jobs, if that wasn't the case then that's my bad

right, that's why i added the disclaimer there. i was under the impression you were playing devil's advocate to the idea that women could legitimately be biologically disadvantaged for tech jobs, if that wasn't the case then that's my bad
if anyone believes this in real life i would just turn around and walk away. chances are it's either 1. a 4chan friendzoned guy 2. a really old man from the 1940's or something.

I think that we should acknowledge the amazing "shooting themselves in the foot" forgetup Google has gotten themselves into. Some rando points out that they're an echo chamber that demonizes certain points of view, then immediately after that the VP of Diversity (a position that should not exist) comes out and demonizes the memo, along with the loving head executive. The memo states how women are more likely to take sick days and were more feelings oriented, and a huge group of female employees, in response, take a sick day because they were feeling threatened by the memo and its author.

For Google to trip on itself any further might be the plot of an Oscar-worthy movie (assuming it even gets there, considering the leftist firestorm in Hollywood).

are you telling me that's impossible? Women are biologically inferior to men when it comes to say--lifting weights--and better when it comes to giving birth--obviously. Those are biological distinctions that exist. Are you telling me it's impossible that women struggle more with technical jobs than men due to something biological? For someone who claims to be so liberal, I'd expect you to actually listen to science and not claim loveism when someone suggests that there might be a biological distinction in the tech industry
Except he didn't say "women are less intelligent", he said 'distinctions in biology MAY IN PART be responsible for the divide. I don't know if they are or not, I just despise people calling equating a scientific fact (that men and women are biologically different) with loveism. If he had said that he knew exactly what caused it and was wrong I would understand being disgusted (because that'd actually be loveist if he claimed women were inferior when they weren't) but he didn't claim anything, he just proposed a scientific possibility

Google is the definition of "Too Big To Fail". A company like google won't fall into obscurity until an alternative pops up, and that's right after google does something really loving bad that offends everyone in some way. This new alternative must support the droves of people who use google, otherwise it'll just die on the spot due to constant downtimes and slowness.

Google is the definition of "Too Big To Fail". A company like google won't fall into obscurity until an alternative pops up, and that's right after google does something really loving bad that offends everyone in some way. This new alternative must support the droves of people who use google, otherwise it'll just die on the spot due to constant downtimes and slowness.

Yeah, google really doesn't have much competition that could really forget it up. I mean I switched search engines after I found out they were censoring search results, but most people don't give enough of a stuff about that.

Yeah, google really doesn't have much competition that could really forget it up. I mean I switched search engines after I found out they were censoring search results, but most people don't give enough of a stuff about that.
Google has hands-down the most used search engine/indexing service but also collects, stores, and sells a tremendous amount of user data. This includes building a "profile" of you tied to your IP address, or if you're logged in, a Google account. This "profile" includes things you search for and attempts to guess what you like and don't like based on the links you visit and what you tend to look for.

It's some pretty creepy stuff, and Google is almost uncontested so far as market share in the search engine/indexing sector. "Google" has literally become synonymous with "search" and there isn't much any competitor could do to threaten them as Google is simply so big with such vast resources that they can basically do whatever they want on the side i.e. play ISP with Google Fiber, make their own streaming TV service, make a mobile OS

But for a company whose motto is "do no evil" they have a lot of business practices which are debatably unethical, such as censoring search results to hide information they disagree with, collecting the data of users and selling it, etc