Author Topic: Charlottesville protests thread  (Read 55564 times)

don't have to worry about protestors hitting your car if it's loud enough to deafen them

You don't have to worry about protesters hitting your car if you have a killdozer

iirc it is self defense to run people over if they surround your vehicle with intent to harm or kill
automobiles aren't considered weapons so there's no self-defense law that applies to it. running over anyone with your car for any circumstances is a chargeable crime, unless like, it wasn't your fault

Nah nah nah.
You surround my car, you start forgetin' threatenin' my life, you're gonna have a super special loveual relationship with the street, because you and the loving ground are going to become one.

hold on wait are antifa just a bunch of laughably impotent landwhales, or are they terrifying to the point that you fly into a panic and accidentally give a crowd the ol' muzzie mowdown? which is it?

automobiles aren't considered weapons so there's no self-defense law that applies to it. running over anyone with your car for any circumstances is a chargeable crime, unless like, it wasn't your fault
ITT: PhantOS says you better sit their and loving die like a good white skin cracker or else.

hold on wait are antifa just a bunch of laughably impotent landwhales, or are they terrifying to the point that you fly into a panic and accidentally give a crowd the ol' muzzie mowdown? which is it?
Holy stuff.
Antifa isn't a single person, so they can be both.
It's not the "Is bush an insane genius or forgetin idiot, he can't be both" argument equivalent because Bush was one man, Antifa is a cult of random people.

I'm pretty sure the right to self-preservation overrules any distinction on what is and isn't a weapon

I mean literally everyone agrees that the truck drivers who got pulverized by rioters during the Rodney King riots should have floored it, but look at where they ended up

i mean cars kill like 6k more people a year than guns so

i mean cars kill like 6k more people a year than guns so
Maybe we should ban cars?
or have Car Background Checks?

let's be honest if we aren't considering that automobiles can be weapons after pretty much every single terrorist attack over the last two years was committed by running trucks and vans into crowds of people then we aren't doing something right

you can't run over, hit, or ""nudge"" people with your car, guys, what the forget
pedestrians always have the right of way.

Maybe we should ban cars?
or have Car Background Checks?

They're called drivers licenses ya dweeb

pedestrians always have the right of way.

even when they're destroying cars on a regular basis

there's no legal (or moral) justification for running full speed into a crowd of people, reversing back to where you came from, then running away. lil bit confused about whether people are actually trying to make a case for this joker

apparently this guy also, like, physically abused his handicapped mother? (2) forgeted up if tru, what a character
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 07:44:46 PM by otto-san »