Badspot (BLID 0) Unjust banning / Admin Abuse

Author Topic: Badspot (BLID 0) Unjust banning / Admin Abuse  (Read 25210 times)

how about i purge my fist to your loving face
that'd mean you would make sure your fist was not in his face

how about i purge my fist to your loving face
All it takes is my left hand to hold your little head to keep your body back.

torin you dont wanna mess with this guy hes got long arms

torin you dont wanna mess with this guy hes got long arms
im sure i can take mr tweety bird here

key-purge nigerian cunts and thot patrol, please cause i dont agree with them and that hurts my feelings :C

What the forget do people think is happening in these secret discords that is so ban worthy lmfao? You do realize that every post on this forum is both public and made according to the user's own volition right? You people sound nuts. Nobody is conspiring against anything in some clandestine internet club-room.

And the fact that anybody thinks Thot Patrol is malicious is laughable and a pretty good sign that you have no idea what you're talking about. You're just jumping on a stupid bandwagon for irrelevant people.

thot patrol isnt malicious but i wish both toxicology and torin would go back to their personalities before the ban.

nc is the only malicious group out of the two, thot patrol just likes to have their good fun

thot patrol isnt malicious but i wish both toxicology and torin would go back to their personalities before the ban.
are you actually handicapped
you dont just switch personalities unless you have MPD

thot patrol actually does stuff together ingame tho
nc does stuff

really? he got banned over that?

are you actually handicapped
you dont just switch personalities unless you have MPD

torin i know for sure has a "forum personality" where he acts different depending on the situation. i've seen him completely chill and i believe toxicology is the same way.

what the forget is this thread