Author Topic: Badspot (BLID 0) Unjust banning / Admin Abuse  (Read 25507 times)


how dare you hurt the man on top of the food chain.
yo pewdiepie is next

badspot if you ban toxic please don't take dreams of cheese with him

why Would i get banned  for this

if u don't like the server leave......smh

it's his server, he can do whatever he wants with it

All i hav done is bring focus to an important issue... Get Over yourselves

All i hav done is bring focus to an important issue... Get Over yourselves
important?????? there are children starving in africa because of people like you......


  • Administrator
What if you bought your own account and never let anyone else log into it?  What if that happened?  That would really keep you from getting mixed up in the NC key exchange program, wouldn't it.

important?????? there are children starving in africa because of people like you......
yeah well

What if you bought your own account and never let anyone else log into it?  What if that happened?  That would really keep you from getting mixed up in the NC key exchange program, wouldn't it.
what did he mean by this

what did he mean by this
i think hes saying that celau shared his account with nc members

what does nc mean
it stands for nigerian cunts. its a clan of habitual problem users