Author Topic: Badspot (BLID 0) Unjust banning / Admin Abuse  (Read 25515 times)

I think what we did last night kinda undermines the the whole "unjust ban" thing huh

what happened last night is what happens when you're high and drunk at the same time

you can't use mob mentality as an excuse for acting like handicaps

I'm out of the loop. Who's his new alt?

I ain't ever seen a train crash into something this fast.

last night was an experience, the positives outweigh the negatives

last night was an experience, the positives outweigh the negatives
What is everyone talking about?

we started making fun of satin minions and badspot thought it was an attempt to pull a reaction out of him, so he did some ironic punishment and everyone who was involved can never change their profile ever again

we started making fun of satin minions and badspot thought it was an attempt to pull a reaction out of him, so he did some ironic punishment and everyone who was involved can never change their profile ever again
Link or something?

badspot thought it was an attempt to pull a reaction out of him
lol jesus christ

whoa hey the forget did i miss

we started making fun of satin minions and badspot thought it was an attempt to pull a reaction out of him, so he did some ironic punishment and everyone who was involved can never change their profile ever again
ofc it was hilarious but it was absolutely a call to get his attention

a call to get his attention
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Badspot R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.