Author Topic: tito and torin are attacking me and my friends  (Read 21275 times)

well done, *slow clap*
"you're right, nobody wants you here"
and i dont give a stuff, i'm a failed abortion anyways so who gives a single forget

and you gave a troll what he wanted, attention. Let that sink in.
heh. catch you later

zirconium is screaming into a pillow as we speak

and you gave a troll what he wanted, attention. Let that sink in.
are you talking to yourself?

also smell ya later nerdo!!!!

well done, *slow clap*
"you're right, nobody wants you here"
and i dont give a stuff, i'm a failed abortion anyways so who gives a single forget


tito & torin are a power duo. mess with one of them and you might be ok. but mess with both and they work in synchronicity to do incredible things...

tito & torin are a power duo. mess with one of them and you might be ok. but mess with both and they work in synchronicity to do incredible things...
they're like macho man and hulk hogan, mess with them and you'll be absolutely bodied

they're like macho man and hulk hogan, mess with them and you'll be absolutely bodied
please cool your autistic wrestling obsession

please cool your autistic wrestling obsession
Don't stand in my way

hmph. thats what i thought
returning to my dojo

please cool your autistic wrestling obsession
How about we settle this in the ring, brother?

Don't stand in my way
*stands in ur way*
How about we settle this in the ring, brother?
I'm afraid that wouldn't end too well for you, my friend. My skills are UNMATCHED.

I'm afraid that wouldn't end too well for you, my friend. My skills are UNMATCHED.
*matches yor skills*

My skills are UNMATCHED.
Name a time and day brother, I'll be ready to boot your ass straight back into communist China.