Author Topic: tito and torin are attacking me and my friends  (Read 18413 times)

that's not what answering a question looks like
that's not me answering the question

Well that's true, but what's so flimsy about the evidence? And no, I did not call him a Jew. Read what I said.
You called him a kike, which is an even more derogatory way of calling him a Jew.

Maybe I'm missing something but nothing here really proves the assertion that torin and tito are making your friends remove you, it's all an assumption.

Even if tito and torin were proved to have gotten your friends to unfriend you, as Conan said they couldn't have been very good friends then.

Your primary point that Tito and Torin are attacking you seems like it's a classic case of teasing gone wrong, you would've done well by just taking Torin and Tito aside and talking to them like human beings instead you assume things and make a drama topic which probably caused even more issues.

You called him a kike, which is an even more derogatory way of calling him a Jew.
it was a joke, and i was predicting how torin was going to react so insulted him

Maybe I'm missing something but nothing here really proves the assertion that torin and tito are making your friends remove you, it's all an assumption.

Even if tito and torin were proved to have gotten your friends to unfriend you, as Conan said they couldn't have been very good friends then.

Your primary point that Tito and Torin are attacking you seems like it's a classic case of teasing gone wrong, you would've done well by just taking Torin and Tito aside and talking to them like human beings instead you assume things and make a drama topic which probably caused even more issues.
and how can i do that? torin never responds seriously and i wasn't going to put up with him
and tito has me blocked

the worst part is that they were makin' up bullstuff to make my friends unfriend me on purpose

and how can i do that? torin never responds seriously and i wasn't going to put up with him
bruh i had you blocked

reading this thread is like watching two or three kids argue over which ninja turtle is the best one

Be creative, use a middle man.
I'm sure you have plenty of mutual friends.

I'm simply exposing what he's done and how to stop it. This is getting way out of hand and the case that his "bullying" is warranted because I'm handicapped or some dumb stuff.
>being this sensitive to insults/attacks/bullying on the BLF

Be creative, use a middle man.
I'm sure you have plenty of mutual friends.

i did also use a middle man, and it fell on its head with tito being an arrogant forget and kicking me and the middleman from THOT patrol

>being this sensitive to insults/attacks/bullying on the BLF
sure buddy, sure.