Author Topic: unpopular opinions thread v54432  (Read 13859 times)

Steven universe is terrible and you should feel ashamed if you like it

Prohibition didn't work and never will.
Modern Prohibition would just add a drug with huge demand to the war on drugs.

sunny weather is the loving worst weather

sunny weather is the loving worst weather
i agree so much
Like i know sunlight has vitamins and stuff but it's too loving bright like christ

I like weather with a couple clouds in the sky.

I love overcast weather

Sam's cola is a better option than coca-cola. you can get a 24-pack of sam's for the price of a 12-pack of coke and the taste is very passable. If given a choice between the two for the same price i would go for coca cola but if i'm at wal Mart i will buy sam's instead.

grapple knife isn't that bad

quarter way to 1000 posts woo

GBFL was boring, it would of been funner if it did something extraordinary like having the audience fire rocket launchers at Speed-quake players.

I heavily prefer waking up earlier. There's just such a nice atmosphere to waking up at 6 or 7.

Alcohol is either the first or second greatest cause of car accidents can't remember which. As for recreational drugs they are just extra medical costs for when someone is inevitably stupid with them

as we all know banning alcohol is an extremely successful strategy

9/11 jokes are at their highest levels of unfunny on september 11th
I would've disagreed before Matthew posted

I love overcast weather
I heavily prefer waking up earlier. There's just such a nice atmosphere to waking up at 6 or 7.

I love overcast weather

and I LOVE rain. The harder its storming the better. The higher the risk of my awning taking flight the better.