Author Topic: Add-On WIP: Doraemon Playertype  (Read 3368 times)

My first attempt trying to make a playertype. if anyone would care enough to give me advice, i'd very much appreciate it.

Now, you're probably wondering, Who the heck is this character?


"#MS-903 "Doraemon" or simply Doraemon is the main, titular character of all Doraemon media (including, but not limited to the original manga, anime, video games, and movies). Doraemon's signature colour is blue and he is usually represented by the colour blue.
Doraemon is a blue robotic cat corresponding (tints of pink-orange in earlier manga chapters and media) from the 22nd century, who weighs 129.3kg (285.05lbs) and measures at 129.3cm (4'3") tall. He was manufactured on September 3rd in the year 2112, bearing the code MS-903, at the Matsushiba Robot Factory. Doraemon is considered a substandard product compared to other models because many of his robotic features (ie. radar whiskers and cat-calling V.ll) malfunctioned after production. During his manufacture, he got struck by lightning and lost an important screw that was part of his brain, thus affecting his performance in both his studies and towards society."

-From Doraemon Wiki

So basically, I have a huge interest in this character and the franchise that he comes from. I was arguing a long time ago about how Doraemon rarely gets credit in the anime and internet communities. I was gonna ask for someone to do something like this for me if they truly cared at all, but i imagined that they would have forgeted me over and did a horrible and horrendous job. If you've never watched Doraemon before, i suggest you go watch an episode of either the 1979 or 2005 anime. trust me, it won't kill ya. i think its probably the greatest anime in history. garbage like Pokemon or Dragon Ball Z deserves to have its animation reels and cels thrown in the trash.

Afghani Anime
No but seriously nice work. I still can't rig a model to this day and you found out quicker than me.
I hope you can move on to creating mods the public would like to see

if you want serious playertype help, dont also shill your anime at the same time. its clutter and makes it a lot harder to actually give you relevant help

you'll need to get your model and armatures into blender 2.49b if you want to properly do a full animated playertype; otherwise you can rebone it using empties and do it in 2.7#

once you get that far post here

He's fully rigged now. I redesigned his model so it would fit the blockhead armature perfectly.


as a serious suggestion, i think you should remodel it from scratch.  right now, it's extremely unfitting with blockland, being that it's almost entirely smooth-shaded (where you can't see the edges of each model's face), and is made up of mostly spheres, where most "in-style" models have a decidedly boxier, low-poly appearance to them.

i'd suggest studying Tier+Tactical and Quake-Like Weapons by Bushido for an idea of the kind of style you want in a model.  here are Pompmaker's playertypes as well, if you need more examples of playermodels specifically.  don't be afraid to just use default player model parts, either.

the limb positions are also extremely off.  his arms are coming out of his head, and the torso extends beyond where it connects to the legs, so it'll look off if the player looks up or down.  these are half of why most modelers tend to hide the actual arms and legs and elect to just have floating hands and feet instead.

what in the actual forget are those feet holy stuff

ot:nice work to be honest but uhm it doesn't really fit with blockland's theme

as a serious suggestion, i think you should remodel it from scratch.  right now, it's extremely unfitting with blockland, being that it's almost entirely smooth-shaded (where you can't see the edges of each model's face), and is made up of mostly spheres, where most "in-style" models have a decidedly boxier, low-poly appearance to them.

i'd suggest studying Tier+Tactical and Quake-Like Weapons by Bushido for an idea of the kind of style you want in a model.  here are Pompmaker's playertypes as well, if you need more examples of playermodels specifically.  don't be afraid to just use default player model parts, either.

the limb positions are also extremely off.  his arms are coming out of his head, and the torso extends beyond where it connects to the legs, so it'll look off if the player looks up or down.  these are half of why most modelers tend to hide the actual arms and legs and elect to just have floating hands and feet instead.

I dont really care if its flatshaded or not, it really wont effect the game's performance. In V0002, which used the same animations with a slightly different rig, the head and hands were smoothshaded, and it didnt cause the game to lag. I understand what youre trying to say but he'll be okay once its finished, im definitley not going to change the model. If i make it completly square he'll look like his angry cube form from the 2005 anime, and i Dont want that, i just want the jolly old normal Doraemon most people know.

i mean, lemurboy's playermodels didnt look like the default blockland style and people liked it

It's not a performance issue, it's a style issue. You should make your model around the edges that define the blockland-style. It doesn't have to be the shape of a normal blockhead, it needs the signature blockiness. What you have is a very good model and an okay start to a blockland-style model, but it needs to be remade with that style in mind from the start.

Why not just see if it works and then make a secound batch?