Author Topic: [NEWS] FPSRussia got arrested  (Read 8586 times)

toxic can't even quote all the clique members properly.. .smh

this still isnt funny
kidalex is an expert on things that aren't funny, he has years of experience when it comes to not being funny

Nothing can save us now, The clique holds an iron grip on the forums.

Slowly, they start off with mostly hated forumers, then they go a rung down each time, now with Kidalex in their sights, I can only see this truly becoming a Gestapo of disasterous proportions.

This clan, which specializes in targeting users in attempts to get them banned, will result in talented users getting banned.
First Kidalex, then who? Juncoph? Maybe Torin?

When we no longer have new content for blockland, then look no further than The clique.

who cares. we still got hickock45 and demolitionranch

thats like, a veteran and a veterinarian, with their own gun channels. it doesn't get any more badass

who cares. we still got hickock45 and demolitionranch

hell yeah

hickock45 is the greatest

he didn't get arrested until after this thread. the clique got him arrested.

pbg was taken down the same must be some sort of conspiracy

inb4 the atf planted the drugs on him

FPSRussia lost his guns, rip his youtube channel.

hes probably going to gun his way out with dual miniguns with underbarrel chainsaws

gonna need some long ass eyes to read this -_-

dont worry i got you covered
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 08:55:00 PM by kanew2000 »