Author Topic: BADSPOT IS most pathetic user in blockland history  (Read 28613 times)

Also, you're going to have to tell me where we're going to grow the new farms we're going to replace livestock pastures with, because as far as I'm concerned, any dramatic uptick in cultivating farmland is going to result in a lot of rainforests being destroyed globally.

Because, you know, that's still something going on as we speak.

Yea and I thought you weren't a total handicap but I guess we were both wrong.

aw man i thought i was better than beach :(

Also, you're going to have to tell me where we're going to grow the new farms we're going to replace livestock pastures with, because as far as I'm concerned, any dramatic uptick in cultivating farmland is going to result in a lot of rainforests being destroyed globally.

Because, you know, that's still something going on as we speak.
Do you also support deforestation? What about mass pollution through coal burning? It'll be pretty hard to replace those with renewable systems of production.

The answer is that it would be easy if anyone gave a stuff. There isn't a magic solution to change the US's meat intake because it would require people to actually take action. "Duhh, how are we gonna get everyone to drive an electric car when we don't have enough electric cars for everyone?!"

The difference between you and I is that you saw a difficult problem and said "well lol it'll be hard to fix better not" and I made a major lifestyle change.

Yea, how incredible privileged that I desperately try to avoid consuming something that directly causes mass suffering across the world--living in the region of the US (the South) that consumes the most meat. Are you loving listening to yourself? You're gonna tell me stuff about privilege when 90% of the population can pick from more than 2 items on the menu.

Well yeah, you can afford to radically alter your diet to avoid products that you think aren't ethical to consume. Even people within the country can't afford this lifestyle. When you suddenly can't afford to avoid food that has animal products in them, what then?

how's it not an affordable substitute? we have 10x the grain needed to feed the amount of people being fed right now

Yea, how incredible privileged that I desperately try to avoid consuming something that directly causes mass suffering across the world--living in the region of the US
i would be sad that something that i invest my time, money and associate as a major part of my identity has made literally no impact whatsoever

The forget? If you want to live like a cave-man turn of your computer and go eat raw meat.
I knew it, you either are stupid beyond repair or you really don't get it that most people won't change their diet to suit your dumbfounded political beliefs. it's human nature and it's healthy for us, what don't you get about it? we evolved to eat both meat and plants and will continue to do so

Humans may have evolved eating deer and other animals they hunted themselves but we weren't evolved to eat massive portions of chicken and pig loaded up with chemicals and preservatives and force-fed until they can barely walk.
it's called enhancing the sustenance of food so we get more out of it, and what you described is only done on farms which mistreat their animals and cage them which everyone is already agreeing on.

Humans also evolved to sleep when it got dark, so you should smash all those lightbulbs in your house. Humans certainly didn't evolve to argue over  the Internet. If you're gonna make the 'all natural evolution is the right way to go' path then you have to take it all the way.
jesus h christ you severely loving sheltered child, it's the simple task of turning off a loving switch at night because people can't sleep with lights on. we invented a lightswitch to make life easier. and it's blue like that makes you stay awake, not warm/yellow lights that come off of incandescents.

also no you don't, you don't have to take it all the way just because you love polarising yourself on every issue. that's a pretty dangerous mindset to have but again you seem like the worlds most sheltered child so maybe I can't blame you entirely

It has the lowest risk of cancer across the board was well as the lowest fatty intake, while limiting access to unhealthy preservatives and carcinogens found in most processed meats.
everything is classed as cancer these days so I'm not surprised you fell for that bullstuff

If anything, veganism is actually way more natural than someone who stuffs themselves with chemically engorged meat.
I'm surprised you don't bitch about GMO's because they had their dna altered by futuristic flying machines with scary loving lasers and radiation, maybe it's because you're only against the mistreatment of animals and polarise yourself because of it

Funny that you say 'no-one responds to your posts on this' since every time I even glancingly mention anything out veganism or animal rights every stuffs themselves and starts screaming.
no one should have to explain why they want or need to eat meat to you, you loving animal. it's basic human nature and you trying to change that won't work as easily as you expect, and when a large percentage of the population isn't a pusillanimous individual like you then they are gonna throw stuff in your direction for suggesting they live a lifestyle less than their own, see your next point:
We don't have to kill them at all since we can perfectly supplement an omnivorous diet with plants and vitamins.
no one is going to want to take vitamins to get their nutrients, it's a harder way of living

also you're wasted energy to argue with

i feel like zealot would force people to be vegan

I eat meat because I don't give a flying forget about some random damn cow 3000 miles from me

how's it not an affordable substitute? we have 10x the grain needed to feed the amount of people being fed right now

Grain isn't a substitute for meat and livestock product. This isn't a realistic substitute.

Do you also support deforestation? What about mass pollution through coal burning? It'll be pretty hard to replace those with renewable systems of production.

I don't support radical, senseless changes to something before at least coming to terms with all of the negatives that will rear their head well into the aftermath of said decision. I don't think we could afford to just stop cultivating livestock.

The answer is that it would be easy if anyone gave a stuff. There isn't a magic solution to change the US's meat intake because it would require people to actually take action. "Duhh, how are we gonna get everyone to drive an electric car when we don't have enough electric cars for everyone?!"

Adopting a national vegetarian lifestyle isn't going to solve any tangible issues beyond the ethical concerns of a choice few, gotta be honest here.

The difference between you and I is that you saw a difficult problem and said "well lol it'll be hard to fix better not" and I made a major lifestyle change.

The difference between you and I is that I can't afford to police my diet under harsh scrutiny because of the perceived suffering of livestock.

Do you guys ever click and drag people's avatars around? Like I'm dragging a slightly more transparent copy of Ike's avatar around my screen, trying to make a cyclops deer. It is pretty fun.

Do you guys ever click and drag people's avatars around? Like I'm dragging a slightly more transparent copy of Ike's avatar around my screen, trying to make a cyclops deer. It is pretty fun.

i move it like a pixel over to make it look 3d

Do you guys ever click and drag people's avatars around? Like I'm dragging a slightly more transparent copy of Ike's avatar around my screen, trying to make a cyclops deer. It is pretty fun.
quite a lot

how's it not an affordable substitute? we have 10x the grain needed to feed the amount of people being fed right now

Also, explain how if grains are such an affordable substitute, why they aren't already a substitute.