Author Topic: Discord  (Read 1766 times)

we Need more discords

you gotta wonder when people will get tired of these threads

you gotta wonder when people will get tired of these threads
aint that ironic

aint that ironic
are you saying that because i bumped the thread to my discord orrr

make another discord unova

you gotta wonder when people will get tired of these threads
yeah if only people only joined your discord and no one elses wouldn't that be great

make another discord unova

san the skeletal is blockland? clik to find out......

yeah if only people only joined your discord and no one elses wouldn't that be great
weird how no one has joined our discord yet

weird how no one has joined our discord yet
yeah, we should advertise it at least 3 or 4 more times like unova did that should help things along. maybe even remake it entirely

yeah, we should advertise it at least 3 or 4 more times like unova did that should help things along
its in the same thread. i just bumped it today.

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emote vote.... :Dab:
