Author Topic: Discord  (Read 1764 times)

its almost as if nobody likes him or trusts him enough to keep him around in any discords so he needs to constantly make his own so he has power over everyone even though they fail every time

its all in the same thread and i'm putting in actual updates about the discord :|
BLF talk was a part of when the blf down, exodus was with a friend, illucerium was remade (not deleted).

its almost as if nobody likes him or trusts him enough to keep him around in any discords so he needs to constantly make his own so he has power over everyone even though they fail every time
Illucerium isn't even failed

all discords i use right there. i have school and stuff.

To Be Fair Maxwells Discords Arent Very Good Either

actually no discords are Good. Hm.

To Be Fair Maxwells Discords Arent Very Good Either

all 0 of them

the only good discord is toxicology's
