Author Topic: announcement event  (Read 1511 times)

an output event that sends a message to all players in a server

also dont tell me its easily abusable please

its easily abusable
Just admin only, non-minigame chatmessageall I guess?

its easily abusable
Just admin only, non-minigame chatmessageall I guess?
it doesnt even have to be admin only i have a default minigame where people cant build
literally just onBlank > self > announce > [text]

since you have a default minigame you can just use the chatMessageAll event

onBlank > Minigame > chatMessageAll > [text]

since you have a default minigame you can just use the chatMessageAll event

onBlank > Minigame > chatMessageAll > [text]
i have tried this but i need to be the one to trigger it
im trying to have it so it automatically fires a projectile to a brick as a minigame starts and when the brick receives the projectile it sets something and also announces what the thing was set to, however it seems that since the event was triggered by the minigame the message event doesnt know where to send the actual message to
if i fire the projectile myself then it works fine and the message sends

i want the event so that it doesnt have to figure out where to send it and it just announces it with no trouble

Not having to manually activate it works in a regular minigame, for some reason it doesn't for Slayer though.
if you're doing something with the start of a minigame and VCE, add a delay
VCE has a built in timeout on player spawn