Author Topic: Any BLFers like Metal?  (Read 7557 times)

Some art covers:

My all time favorite album cover might be 'Unsung Heroes' by Ensiferum. Idk, I just love the look of it.

My all time least favorite might be 'Heroes' by Sabaton.

It's just so asinine. Especially because it was used a replacement for what I thought was a really beautiful cover:

I like some metalcore bands

August Burns Red
Parkway Drive
Texas in July
While She Sleeps
Oh, Sleeper
As I Lay Dying

some others I cant name off the top of my head rn

voices aren't good for metal either

you haven't heard enough heavy metal

Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Sodom, Artillery

I worship Artillery's By Inheritance album. All the good stuff Thrash has the potential to churn out especially with more melodic sounds and fantastic songwriting that isn't just straight chugging.

Slowly working through the suggestions in this thread and holy stuff was Infant Annihilator awful. Most of these bands ranged from 'okay' to 'pretty good' but Infant Annihilator was literally painful to listen to. It's a bit impressive how much vocal range the singers have (if it's not digitally modified) but god damn the music had way too much base and was tuned way too low. It would've also benefited from being faster and maybe not having such weirdly graphic lyrics that come off as a middle-school edgy teen trying to piss of their parents.

If anyone's wondering what I mean:

'Fondling the foreskin, circumcised to taste the pure flesh of their genitals.
Slaves born into a world of mindless manipulated minions thirsty for a fresh newborn star fish."

The edge is so bad it's causing me physical pain. Not all death metal is this terrible.

i love Infant Annihilator and their music, but i feel it's worth mentioning that they aren't serious. the lyrics and music are supposed to be a ridiculous caricature of death metal, extremely over the top and offensive sonically and lyrically just for the sake of it. watch their music videos, the whole video for Decapitation Fornication is the two core members dry humping each other in a park. i know comedy isn't really a valid excuse to create stuff content, but their goal is to make something horrible and disgusting and way too over the top, and i think they achieve that goal pretty well and i enjoy it

o also I like Ministry, I'm seeing them in october. I really like their album "the land of rape and honey"

my favorite bands are Leprous, Slice the Cake, Between the Buried and Me, Opeth, Demon Hunter, Haken 'n Tool

Strayed away from metal more as I got older. Still sometimes get in the mood for high powered metal tho

type o negative is good gothicy metal, some songs are sily too

metal is my favorate sonic the hodgeheg chared actor

For real, metal is alright, but I'm not a fan of how a lot of metal music seems to just be some guy going apestuff on a guitar while screaming. That said, the only 'metal' I've heard is Metallica, which I liked, but it's the only nameable point of reference I got.

a lot of metal isnt like that though. example: lifetime at war

the original version, en livstid i krig, has more meaningful lyrics but they got lost in translation

My all time favorite album cover might be 'Unsung Heroes' by Ensiferum. Idk, I just love the look of it.

My all time least favorite might be 'Heroes' by Sabaton.

[img width=6[/img]http://It's just so asinine. Especially because it was used a replacement for what I thought was a really beautiful cover:

[img width=][/img]

i love sabaton but their cover art is really bad tbh

100% hate metal

this is like going to the anime megathread just to say you hate anime
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 11:48:01 AM by Juncoph »

lets see, iron, steel, aluminum Metallica, Accept, and quite a lot more I can't name off my head. In my opinion, Seek And Destory is the best Metallica song.
Sabbath is pretty good too, except Ozzy makes it more of a light metal I think maybe it's just me.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 12:48:58 PM by Darth C3P0² »

I would make suggestions if I knew anyone in this thread would actually check them out. 90% sure most of you just post your favorite tracks and leave, lmao.

this is like going to the anime megathread just to say you hate anime
he asked