Author Topic: B4v21 - AYE Y'ALL IT'S THE FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY  (Read 37871 times)


B4v21 is an active community of people
dedicated to revive the old days of Blockland all the
way from v0002 to v20. Our community includes
add-on creators and mapmakers too for the best
possible experience!

We also include Clay's CustomMS add-on to have a
master server completely dedicated to our versions.

(Click any image to see it at full size)

blockland v20 shirts and pants by simpletonnn

Some Add-Ons are not listed as they automatically come bundled
with the version you download, such as CustomMS and AuthFix.

You can check our master server at anytime without launching
the game here.

Most of these versions also come bundled with a .bat file to run them,
so make sure you run the .bat file instead of the executable.
This can prevent many issues like the launcher error.

These versions now come with the patched CustomMS


Users who bought Blockland on Steam
can now play Blockland v20 as well!
The steps to doing so are given on the
Discord server mentioned at the bottom
of the post.

Title: Planet Picturial
Description: A habitable planet somewhere in the universe of Spore...
Author: Antares
Title: Soccer Stadium
Author: vitawrap
it's time to play BALL [Fixed Collisions]
Name: Viano City - Day/Night
Author: Antares

   If you have discord, this is a great opportunity to join
the community in the official B4v21 discord group!

The rules are displayed as soon as you join.
The master server has a discord integration, which
means if you don't want to check the master server
but you have discord, you can quickly check the
online list for people currently hosting a server!

We now have a website, click here or above to visit it!

Credits: Kenko for supervising the project since it began, Clay Hanson for his involvement in the project by making these ancient versions work.
The modding and the mapping community for their amazing work.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 01:27:53 PM by Vitawrap »

Joining old blockland servers

Thanks to Clay Hanson, you can install a CustomMS add-on to see a completely different master server when opening the 'join a game' window, showing only pre-v21 servers. All of the B4v21 github download links in the topic come prepackaged with this CustomMS.
With this installed, you can host a server and instead of it posting to the v21 master server, it'l post to the B4v21 master server, where everyone else can see your server listed.
And when you open the join a game menu, you can join other v20 servers!
Yes, this does work for versions other then v20, and if you want to host a version that isnt on the B4v21 github, all of the CustomMS fixes on their own are in the B4v21 discord.

Info on my 'Freebuild with Map Rotation' server
The server is a freebuild/hangout server, but with an added feature: map rotation.
Every half hour, a vote starts for the map to be changed. You can either pick to stay on the current map, or vote for a new one.
You'll be given a 'fake admin menu', where all you can do is access the maplist. pick a map, and then click 'change map' to vote for that map.
After 2 minutes, all the votes will be processed. if every option hasn't been voted on more then once, the person who has been on the server the longest will have the vote. (this was decided on by dglider, open to new ideas)
Here's a really cool feature of this freebuild though: saves are saved according to each map. If you built a house on Bedroom, if you go out of bedroom then back onto it, the house will be loaded when the map is loaded. you can continue work on it.
It even persists on edits of a map, so if you built a house on Kitchen, and someone wants to go onto Kitchen - Dark, your house will still be there on the dark version of the map. (this is based off of the map's savename.)

If the server isn't up, just ask me on discord if im avaliable to host, and i can boot up the server for you.

EDIT: in order to not crash when spawning, enable these in options > networking
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 07:53:32 AM by K3k0m@n »

Geeeee. That topic layout looks bae.

hell yeah this topic looks lovey

« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 11:12:35 AM by Master Matthew² »

Oh hey, it's my gm_construct map
yeee, we had some fun on your map

this looks lovely...but its such a shame that i got the steam version of blockland

this looks lovely...but its such a shame that i got the steam version of blockland

huh  :panda: :panda:

also i should post, if you want any other version of blockland other then the installers in the topic, they're all at
(these versions dont come with the customms prepackaged though!)

V9 here I come.
the installer for v9 hasn't been found, v8 has been found though (but that doesn't support add-ons)
again, if anyone has any version that isn't on please let us know

v9 has been found! link in OP
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 06:43:36 AM by K3k0m@n »

This some quality stuff right here.