
yes is the right answer

33 (22%)
no and also im a trap
117 (78%)

Total Members Voted: 150

Author Topic: petition to make politics revokable  (Read 26494 times)

because 100+ people wanted them revoked

because 100+ people wanted them revoked

He hasn't done anything bannable though, the best chance of him getting banned is if he was banned for being too stupid.

lets eat fellas where are we going

I'm having a hard time figuring out whether the concept posted in the title is a legitimate serious suggestion or a joke

I'm having a hard time figuring out whether the concept posted in the title is a legitimate serious suggestion or a joke
if you looked at who the OP is you wouldn't really be confused

Autists shouldn't be posting in this forum.
what did he mean by this

how do you decide what is and what isnt politics

thats pretty... fascist of you nix lol

I think I recall Nix saying something like "just because i like pokemon doesnt make me a loving national socialist"

you know what?
i am handicapped, i am a stuffposter, i'm a delusional autistic furry who has brown town love to a loving doll i found at walmart while shoving paper carrotes up its ass. i need to leave the forums so the world can be at peace, because i am the only thing that is causing this forums such disaster.
you loving happy?
now can you leave me the forget alone?
am i allowed to actually enjoy my loving time here?
or are you just gonna keep flinging your solidified stuff at me https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=304344.msg9313808#msg9313808

for a long while there I thought you finally had a melt down. why didn't you quote the post?

for a long while there I thought you finally had a melt down. why didn't you quote the post?
i mean i included it in small text so if you quoted the post you would see it but my bad if you wanted it that way

you know what?
i am handicapped, i am a stuffposter, i'm a delusional autistic furry who has brown town love to a loving doll i found at walmart while shoving paper carrotes up its ass. i need to leave the forums so the world can be at peace, because i am the only thing that is causing this forums such disaster.
you loving happy?
now can you leave me the forget alone?
am i allowed to actually enjoy my loving time here?
or are you just gonna keep flinging your solidified stuff at me

Really doesn't surprise me, Unova.

Really doesn't surprise me, Unova.
lol attacking the low hanging fruit when it has a link in it to who posted it originally what a mastermind i am

i dont see why you didnt just quote the post

just seems like another attention scheme