Author Topic: I'm stumped (Need help texting a girl)  (Read 4475 times)

tell her if you wanna get breakfast together and say you'll pay for her boyfriend as a joke.

if she has one she'll just think laugh it off but if she doesn't, go in for the kill.
please dont send this

so from her text she obviously doesnt have a boyfriend

or shes a cunt

tell her if you wanna get breakfast together and say you'll pay for her boyfriend as a joke.

if she has one she'll just think laugh it off but if she doesn't, go in for the kill.

this is seriously the cuckiest thing i've ever read

this suspense is actually taking seconds off my life.

tell her you consulted an internet legos forum for advice about girls

please dont send this

so from her text she obviously doesnt have a boyfriend

or shes a cunt
this is seriously the cuckiest thing i've ever read

what are you talking about, it's totally going to work! don't listen to these guys op just go for it.

play truth or dare so the odds are even

did you just assume his gender
Shes actually a helicopter, I paraphrased her messages, They actually said "soisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoiso isoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisois oi"

"i can... help you in life :)"

are you gay? that's clearly a mating call if ive ever seen one. just ask her out to some diner stuff and say 'hey want to go get food & we can work on your math there together" and use that as an opportunity to really get to know her