What did you guys think of "It" (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

Author Topic: What did you guys think of "It" (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)  (Read 3294 times)

your review was pretentious but people think torin is actually funny with this stuff. ignore it and eventually he'll go back to pre-punished toxicology days.
Just because he used details do describe his review doesn't make it pretentious

i haven't watched it and i don't plan to watch it because i'm not a fan of horror movies but i bet its  pretty good

your review was pretentious but people think torin is actually funny with this stuff. ignore it and eventually he'll go back to pre-punished toxicology days.
It wasn't pretentious at all you're just an idiot. It gets so old seeing users on this forum who have zero capacity to discuss art whether it's a film, music, or painting. McZealot didn't even use complex filmographic terms, he literally discussed casting and direction.

only john carpenter can make horror movies with vague titles

how tf was my review pretentious? it was literally a stream of consciousness on the parts I liked about the film. holy stuff roger ebert over here.
is this like some form of meme
could you not think of anything less pretentious than "stream of consciousness"

is this like some form of meme
could you not think of anything less pretentious than "stream of consciousness"
Mate, stream of consciousness is taught to middle schoolers. Its only pretentious if that third word catches you off guard.

I was thinking more about the film this morning and it just gets better. I didn't initially make the connection that those charred hands from the furnace that terrorize the black dude (forgot his name) are the hands of his parents reaching through the door when his house burned down. Also the scene where Henry insults Bev across the river and she just screams at him like a maniac and hurls a rock is hilarious

is this like some form of meme
could you not think of anything less pretentious than "stream of consciousness"
what? soc is when you just write down your thoughts about something without pausing to organize or articulate. thats literally what my review was.


In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode or method that attempts to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 03:40:24 PM by McZealot »

I was thinking more about the film this morning and it just gets better. I didn't initially make the connection that those charred hands from the furnace that terrorize the black dude (forgot his name) are the hands of his parents reaching through the door when his house burned down.
Interesting point. Didn't even realize this.

Great flick but there were a lot of hokey scenes scattered throughout. The rock throwing scene was just dumb and looked like something out a Lifetime movie. Same with all the shots that stabilized on Penny Wise's face.

Also the scene where the fat boy awakens the girl with a kiss was way too cheesy.

saw it and thought it was fantastic. 8/10 or 9/10 on the quality but 10/10 on my personal enjoyment for sure. never really got scared but when pennywise appeared to beverly in the bathroom I was genuinely startled. also when he came out of the projector it was goddamn terrifying. TBH pennywise was the most boring form but I LOVED the painting girl. I loved it so much when he put the painting back up on the wall only to see it was empty. When the girl appeared behind him I chuckled. Really great scene, best of the film imo.

also anyone realize how clever that line was? 'do you smell popcorn? I do!' because the theater was literally permeated by the smell of popcorn at the time it was a really genius 4th wall breaking moment. the plot and horror scenes were really predictable (I wanted to see inside the VERY SCARY door!) and there was no crazy twist or anything but it was all very well done.

the casting was INCREDIBLE! it's so hard to get good child actors and its so rare for a movie highschool to be filled with actual teenagers instead of early 20s starfishs pretending they're 15. the actors looked young and were genuinely really good for their age. the dialogue was hilarious and mike from stranger things was great in the film. "you made me walk through grey water, you punched me in the face, and now I gotta kill this loving CLOWN!" was hilarious.

the worst part of the film was the initial confrontation. I loved it when they all started beating the clown (really satisfying to see them just start beating him down after showing that were no longer afraid) but when the kids were all floating in the sky I thought it was pretty weird. I thought he was eating them--why aren't they just skeletons? And the way that the girl woke up after get kissed felt like a disney film.

also, did anyone else catch the 1980s pennywise next to the coffin in the room full of clowns? really neat little easter egg, I spotted it but nobody else in my group did. also, when his throat opens up and you see the spinning triforce of lights, that is a reference to the stephen king book. when they go to confront pennywise on the 'astral plane' he appears to them as a series of three floating lights. really clever little easter eggs that don't get in the way of people who haven't seen the old film or read the book. edit: also you could see the paul bunyan statue (that attacks richie in the novel) in the background of the parade.

amazing casting. good acting. okay story. really good monsters. 9/10 I loved it. I can only think of a few ways it could possibly be better--it's basically 'Stand By Me' with a murder clown
objectively bad opinion
I'm gonna go see this now.

what? soc is when you just write down your thoughts about something without pausing to organize or articulate. thats literally what my review was.
literally all words mean something, that doesn't mean they're not pretentious to say lol

Haven't seen it yet but it looks so much better than the miniseries, which hasn't aged well at all