Author Topic: pewdiepie said monday on stream  (Read 20171 times)

i mean im black and i dont really care that he said it. doesnt mean he should have said it. you're implying it's an okay thing. that's the difference between you and i.

i mean i say i dont care that he said it but idk lol all this posting here probably means that I care and makes me look hurt over it but i'm just trying to get my point across i guess. i can understand the difference between racism and saying an offensive word. pewds was def not being tribal. that's just my stance.

i mean i can understand your stance i guess. personally, if a peer said monday i wouldnt be outraged or necessarily overly offended but i'd tell them to not say it because it's just common sense. its offensive vocabulary regardless of context. if they were saying it to blatantly be tribal then they'd have to catch these hands lol

Even if they were being blatantly tribal I wouldn't care
If someone is tribal and they call me a monday that doesn't mean anything because it's coming from an actual tribal, someone so ignorant and idiotic their opinion of me is irrelevant so why would I get heated over it to begin with?

Even if they were being blatantly tribal I wouldn't care
If someone is tribal and they call me a monday that doesn't mean anything because it's coming from an actual tribal, someone so ignorant and idiotic their opinion of me is irrelevant so why would I get heated over it to begin with?

fair point and pretty agreeable. not everyone's like you i guess

i mean i wouldnt instantly fight but if they were showing no signs of changing their mentality through words and they kept harassing me then somebody's gonna get hurt and it wont be me

fair point and pretty agreeable. not everyone's like you i guess

i mean i wouldnt instantly fight but if they were showing no signs of changing their mentality through words and they kept harassing me then somebody's gonna get hurt and it wont be me

Oh yeah I mean I get that, if they keep on harassing you then of course it's gonna escalate, I just think getting all huffy over one word by an ignorant dingus does nothing for me or black people in general. People know monday isn't something you say in polite company, if at all, they just don't care.

Thanks for reminding everyone how much you don't care, I'm sure we all appreciate it.

You're welcome. Wanna know how much I care about your appreciation?

You're welcome. Wanna know how much I care about your appreciation?
I do, and in traditional haiku format.

I do, and in traditional haiku format.

I do not care, you
Must understand, I truly
Could not give a stuff

I do not care, you
Must understand, I truly
Could not give a stuff


can't tell if OP is serious or joking

I do not care, you
Must understand, I truly
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji

really don't understand the big deal about saying monday. as long as it's not racially motivated it should be fine to say. if only one type of race can say it, no one should be able to say it at all.

if only one type of race can say it, no one should be able to say it at all.

"monday" has lost all of it's representation of racism. (see: rap music) it's just a dirty word now.

however, Khaz is right to say that it's really not okay to say around people that would be uncomfortable with it. it's kinda like cursing in general, there's nothing morally wrong with it, it just makes some people uncomfy and you should respect that


no one should have any superiority over others, especially over a loving word.

if it has such a powerful historic stigma, perhaps it should not be said at all.

no one should have any superiority over others, especially over a loving word.

if it has such a powerful historic stigma, perhaps it should not be said at all.
like voldemort?