Author Topic: People keep asking me if I'm dead or in jail  (Read 8931 times)

nah it's pretty funny

shut up you have gangbangs with conan on the weekends

i know you're going through stuff but this is beyond forgeted up

why? dude probably knew full and well that this girl had a life together with XR, and it didn't bother him at all. it wouldn't be in good conscience if a girl just suddenly left someone she had a life with and came running to me.

why? dude probably knew full and well that this girl had a life together with XR, and it didn't bother him at all. it wouldn't be in good conscience if a girl just suddenly left someone she had a life with and came running to me.

yes but that isn't a reason to get murdered in a war

does that mean contractions are like napalm

better idea anyone want to be incels
I don't know what these things mean and I don't want to know

it's okay you're forever my bf whether you like it or not

Well damn ;^*

Hi XR-7. (Am i allowed to use your old avatar if i can find it?)

I'll be reviving it soon

Step 1: Talk to female.

Let me know when this step is completed so I can move on with Step 2. Most people can't pass Step 1.

i haven't read the whole thread but
you moved in with a girl after..18 days???

Yeah are you saying you wouldn't recommend it???

Not to worry. I've been hitting up one of her friends from high school who is more around my age. Would be pretty cool if she found out.

but r u dead or in jail??

I'm dead in a jail cell.

i know you're going through stuff but this is beyond forgeted up

Hey man we're all psychopaths here let's just get along. We all have our fantasies.

Or are you dead, AND in jail?

masterlegodude only knows because he's in jail with me

why? dude probably knew full and well that this girl had a life together with XR, and it didn't bother him at all. it wouldn't be in good conscience if a girl just suddenly left someone she had a life with and came running to me.

At this point I may as well just follow through with the whole story.

Basically what happened is I woke up on Thursday, and we had to do our grocery shopping. Went to Walmart. About a half hour into shopping, she started having breathing issues likely related to her chronic anemia (I spent many hours in hospitals, bedsides, and a surgery with her over the course of our relationship). Not wanting to keep straining her, I ended our shopping trip, we left, and I loaded up the car while she rested. Ran to Save A Lot after that to pick up the rest of the groceries that we didn't get.

After I came out of Save A Lot, she said that her friend Dustin just returned from Iraq so she invited him to go with us the upcoming Saturday to her mom's house for their summer party. I'd heard of him maybe twice before and seen his name on her snapchat, but never thought anything of him considering she rarely used snapchat or even brought him up. She explained how she'd been friends with him since early high school and after his Humvee was bombed while crossing a river (which unfortunately didn't kill him and only shattered his knees and his face), she thought she'd never see him again.

Once we returned home and put away the groceries, she told me that Dustin had just texted her that he was actually available that very day. She and I were going to go make cupcakes for the upcoming party at her mom's house so she invited him to go with us. Probably stupid of me, but I told her she could just go ahead and drive up there to meet him and I'd try to grab an hour nap considering I'd slept horribly the night before. Over the past, I'd always stood in the way of her and her friends and I just wanted to allow her some more space.

After she left and I lounged around a bit, I left the house to go my parents' house to take care of their pets while they were away in Michigan. She got back before I did. When I arrived back, she was watching a movie in our living room and told me that Dustin was coming over in a bit. I looked at the clock, which read 10:30pm and was just like wtf...? But surely nothing can happen with me present here in the house, right? I go into our bedroom and start playing GTA.

Finally, Dustin calls her and they're talking on the phone while he's driving to our place. They talk literally until he gets to the front door, but they sound harmless enough. He brings her candy and she walks him into the bedroom and introduces him to me. I shake his hand and explain to him, "Yeah man I'm a little quiet but I'll come around once I'm comfortable." (she always was annoyed when I was quiet around her friends) Anyway, they start watching The Outsiders in the living room. Ironically, the first things I ever did with her while actively pursuing a relationship was make cupcakes and watch The Outsiders with her.

They laugh and talk while I kinda listen in. Then things started to get sticky. She came into the bedroom and asked me if I wanted the bedroom door closed because they were being kinda noisy. I remember my brain venturing into new territory at that question but I just kinda slowly said, "Surrrrre....." I could still hear through the wall anyway. After about 10 minutes or so, they're talking about The Karate Kid, which she doesn't own, and Dustin says, "Well hey maybe we can go get it? Come on an adventure with me? Then I can show you the inside of my car." And she just gets right up and walks out the front door. Never tells me where she's going or anything, for the first time ever.

Instant red flag.

I shut off GTA and get on the bed and peer out the window, just waiting for a car to leave so I can see what he drives. Waiting....waiting....waiting . 25 minutes pass and no car ever leaves the complex. I felt very uncomfortable and didn't know how to handle the situation. I got my car keys and decided to make an excuse to go outside if she asked, say I'm going over to my friend's house to play pool. As I'm walking out, I notice her phone lying on the couch. New red flag? She doesn't even take her phone with her? I do what any good man would do. I snoop through her phone. Only dated from that very day (there doesn't seem to have been going on before that day), I found a hella lot of kissy faces, "I just really need you right now", "I love you", etc. Blood pressure overload.

Went storming outside and went directly to my car. Saw the two of them sitting together in a red shiny Chrysler 200 sedan just gazing at each other and talking. Don't think they even saw me. Got in my car, and just stomped that mf gas pedal taking off down the gravel one lane road at 60mph (the neighbors would scream at me for going 15mph) just sliding the entire way around the corner. By the time I got the highway entrance ramp, I pulled over on the shoulder, just complete emotional distress. Called up my friend Eric and told him I need a safe place right now and that I'll talk to him about it there. He happens to be 15 miles away from home but he tells me he's on his way home immediately. I hang up and a very deep seeded and rare side of me came out. Now I'm never one for face to face confrontations but even though the cheating bitch didn't deserve it, I was still going to protect my queen.

I returned to the apartment. And not nicely. I'm so glad I was not armed with any weapons.

Came back down the gravel road, headlights off, and directed the front end of my car at his driver side door while I flew at them at 50mph. At the last second, I stomped on my brakes putting the ABS into full test mode stopping my police ram bar a mere 12 inches from the driver side door of his car. Kicked my door open and walked right up to the car, ripped open his door, and pulled him out by the shirt. He says something like, "Wait we're just talking about churches!" I just scream back, "BULL stuff!" Note that this guy is a good 8 inches taller than me so logic is not at play. I just shouted at him at the top of my lungs to gtfo, yelled at her to get tf back inside, pushed him back into the car, and slammed his car door with all the force I could muster. He flung it back open, started towards me a few steps, and stopped and he started shouting too. Told me that he could have me completely forgeted up with just one call to his military buddies for threatening him and damaging his car. Told me that he kills people for a living and he could easily get away with killing me due to his military position. Realizing that what I was doing was all for a lost cause and that I've been completely forgeted over already, I backed down. Apologized to him for reacting brashly, for harming his car, etc. Still asked him if he'd leave. He said he just needed to get his wallet and phone from the living room, so I let him back in so he could get it.

I broke down in the kitchen away from them and then they both walked out of the apartment leaving me alone. I grabbed a few things like a phone charger and whatnot and walked out. They're standing and talking on the sidewalk. I just walk around them and keep going to my car. Finally, she has something to say. She starts chasing me down the sidewalk yelling my name, saying we have to talk, begging for me to come back. She grabs my arm but I just shake her off, open my door, and close it. She reaches in through the driver side window frantically grabbing my arm and I just start reeling the window back up while her hands slide down the glass and she starts crying. Take off down the road and go to my friend's house.

After talking to my friend and calling my dad, she starts calling my phone. I ignore all of her calls but my friend manages to lull me back into a false sense of security and I feel good enough to go back to the apartment by about 2am or so. My reasoning being that I want to hear her side of the story. So my friend and I go to the apartment together. Her car is still outside and Dustin's is gone. Tell my friend to wait outside so I can make sure she's decent. I go inside....and she's not there. She left with Dustin in his car, apparently to "look for me".

Using my friend's facebook messenger to get through to her, I finally convince them to return. I had already started packing up my most valuable and important things. Look up the road and see the red Chrysler coming down the street, followed by a silver one....and a black one....and another black one....and they all park in different driveways. This guy has the place surrounded. My friend and I retreat into the house and she kicks the door in, tells my friend to get out, and closes the door again. We got nowhere talking. She tried to indirectly convince me that all of this stuff was my fault and that I've always been causing issues for her and that I'm always uncomfortable around her family. I bought it too. Make three trips back and forth to get my TV, PS4, a bunch of clothes, etc and I leave.

Over the next week or so, I'm a complete emotional trainwreck almost constantly. Can't work full shifts without breaking down, my real friends are constantly checking up on me, my GM gives me an entire week of paid vacation time for me to use whenever I want, everyone's coming in clutch. Get one call from her the morning after that one of her neighbors was missing an air compressor so they called the police and tried to frame me for it because a car was parked in their driveway the night before and they saw the driver going back and forth to the apartment. Considering I have the most iconic car in the neighborhood, I wondered how they could be so stupid but I know it was one of the Chryslers that were parked there. My ex just told them if they think I did it, report me to the police. No cops ever came after me though.

About a week later, we more or less had a closure conversation over the phone. It was just like old times. We were laughing like friends, making jokes, I told her I could live fine without being in a relationship with her, but our years of friendship was too much for me to lose. Told her I don't want to be friends with her on Facebook because seeing pics of her loving on another dude was too much for me, but maybe snapchat or texting memes to each other, idk. She was cool with that...for a week or so. Then she removed me from snapchat and things got hairy from there.

She kept making excuses so that I couldn't come over to her apartment and get the rest of my things. After three weeks of not having my things and finally getting my own apartment, I went off on her for not being cooperative when I was doing everything in my power to work with her schedule and she kept changing stuff. I go over there, don't really talk to her, just gather my things quietly. She keeps trying to talk to me and ask me deep personal stuff. I break down once while she's doing that and she runs over and pulls me up off the floor embracing me. I don't hug her back. She keeps trying to keep me around longer. Offering to make dinner, making me hold her cat one last time, asking if I want a bunch of extra things like furniture and whatnot.

After I leave for the last time, she texts me while drunk several times. Calls me while bawling her eyes out. I'm starting to get really pissed. We end up having one last major fight where the worst things got said (chain link fence thing, my family hates me, she wishes she never met me, etc) and we've never talked since.

And so ends the story that began on the forums about a year and a half ago.

how did you come up with that chain link fence thing? that's the best thing i've read

also forget her. forget her so hard.

it really makes me mad that someone would do this kind of stuff to you it almost makes you question if those are even real people. they would just dump someone away from their life simply because something good happened to them. it really sounds selfish if you or i put it that way. you really shouldn't have deserved that kind of experience in my opinion, but i hope you really find someone in the future that likes you for your character and personality, and beyond so, not just 1 thing about you like your appearance or whatever.

I'm sorry, but knowing how your girlfriend hooked up with you, basically cheating on her boyfriend and all, i saw it coming a mile away.

your "gf" "ex" whatever you wanna call that is a loving bitch

how did you come up with that chain link fence thing? that's the best thing i've read

also forget her. forget her so hard.

Oh I did it just wasn't hard enough ;)

I'm sorry, but knowing how your girlfriend hooked up with you, basically cheating on her boyfriend and all, i saw it coming a mile away.

Yeah and that's what I've stated. Probably why I'm not devastated about it anymore either. I always had an inkling that something like this would happen and wooooow so surprised....

it really makes me mad that someone would do this kind of stuff to you it almost makes you question if those are even real people. they would just dump someone away from their life simply because something good happened to them. it really sounds selfish if you or i put it that way. you really shouldn't have deserved that kind of experience in my opinion, but i hope you really find someone in the future that likes you for your character and personality, and beyond so, not just 1 thing about you like your appearance or whatever.

Oh yeah I mean I was just a fill-in dude who literally put in the time and effort to turn around her life and once she was comfortable, she didn't need me anymore.

My brown townogy for it that I gave her was like me being the knight in shining armor who rescued her from the dragon and once I returned her back to her homeland, she had me executed and married the dude to which she was originally betrothed.

your "gf" "ex" whatever you wanna call that is a loving bitch


Really, the only reason I ever lost interest on the forums is because I invested that interest into my girlfriend and the life that we put together, so I lost the time and interest to circlejerk around here. After 18 days of being in an official relationship (c. December), we had an apartment together and were living the married life (that's actually not a joke either). Two jobs, two incomes, things were pretty easy and I could afford cool things.

Then came July and this guy from her past returns from Iraq. Thursday morning I was mediocre happy and settled. Thursday night and she dumps me for this guy and then I'm homeless and single.
Called it

If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned dude.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 01:09:49 PM by Planr »