Author Topic: hi i broke my phone can i fix it  (Read 4202 times)

how did you get that from dropping your phone
Have you ever dropped a smartphone?  Half of them are like sugar glass.

Have you ever dropped a smartphone?  Half of them are like sugar glass.
i hardly ever drop my phone because im not a loving idiot but never has my screen cracked, much less the phone looking it just relived 9/11

did you try blowing into the cartridge  :nes:

how much are you willing to pay for a new phone? i can help you if you want

hey queeba i just broke my phone can you help me out

how much are you willing to pay for a new phone? i can help you if you want
i don't have money, but i can pay you in.... other ways..... ;)

i never understood how people drop their phones lmao.

i never understood how people drop their phones lmao.
i hardly ever drop my phone because im not a loving idiot but never has my screen cracked, much less the phone looking it just relived 9/11
the only times i drop my phone is when im being dumb, or forget where it is. I.E. when its on my lap and i forget where it is (my cat likes to sit on it so idfk where its located)

how much are you willing to pay for a new phone? i can help you if you want
im probably just gonna get the lg g6 lol ive been due for an upgrade in 2+ years but i was waiting until this one Broke because it was a good enough phone for me.

just get a phone that isnt paper thin
i dropped my LG rebel from chest - stomach height multiple times on concrete or any hard surface, and no breaks
only a few scratches

idk about you guys but it seems like a lemon phone
seems like a hell of a lot more failed than just the screen, likely ram as well.

samsung update bullstuff could just as easily cause similar issues

you signed up for low quality bullstuff when you signed up for samsung
good android phones include: most phones running stock android especially google, if youre not adverse to flashing roms then custom roms are a viable option.

while flashing options are limited on this brand xiaomi is an underrated phone brand imho, surprisingly cheap with incredibly good specs and build quality, the total opposite you would expect from a chinese company.

oneplus is a bit hit or miss but when they do hit they hit extremely well. (oneplus 1 and 4)

LG is starting to go in the direction of samsung in that theyre doing stupid stuff but theyre still good today.

theres my 2 cents on phones, your current phone is forgeted and i wouldnt recommend trying to repair it.

i never understood how people drop their phones lmao.
i hardly ever drop my phone because im not a loving idiot but never has my screen cracked, much less the phone looking it just relived 9/11
sometimes dropping it isn't really your fault, like your phone getting knocked off the table by someone else or a kid slamming into you and making you drop your brand new phone on concrete (see: my sister)

but since i'm a bit of a butterfingers i always keep my phone in a protective case. it feels naked and fragile without it

oh wow, they dont use TORX safeties or nothing, neat
Sure that's a good diy suggestion to find a set of those. I mean I've replaced a few iOS screens, they didn't use special-pattern torx screws for the assembly of the LCD digitizer to the phone's frame; but that's not to say Samsung doesn't.

note its a galaxy S5
i uh
i dropped ittbh i'll probably just get a new phone-- this phone has caused me hella problems though ive had it for 3+ years

  • the screen has been working on and off for about a year, it randomly decides it doesnt want to work and shut itself off randomly
  • the camera lens is broken, ideally the glass on the back is completely gone, and the camera is so damaged from not having that glass that it's effectively pointless now. (to be fair i rarely use the camera anyways [i hate looking at myself] so its not a big deal)
  • the phones battery is hella bad--it takes too long to charge it even with the "fast charge" port it came with (it's the S5, has that double USB port thing which is weird)
  • it gets hot, quickly. i can have it on "ultra power saving mode" and airplane mode, and while its charging it'll be so loving hot i get a warning from my phone saying it wont charge it anymore due to it being so hot. NOTE that ultra power saving mode is like a seperate OS--it has the bare basic functions of a smartphone. internet, text, clock. theres nothing else to it. theres no reason it should be getting that hot so easily.
  • this phone is SLOW. it tends to crash a lot on just the internet, constant tab crashing, etc. it takes ages to get to certain apps (messages for example)
  • it likes to not send texts. more specifically, it likes to fail to send messages at random times to where i have to shut off the phone to get texts to send. not sure why, it's probably just at&t being garbage. (dont use at&t)
Yeah that's a few solid good points: you're definitely better off with a new phone, a buddy of mine had charging issues with his S5 happen overseas out of nowhere and the top Verizon troubleshooting suggestion was "buy a new phone".
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 11:08:37 AM by Ronin »