Author Topic: AFTERMATH - Crime Forum Game (CHAPTER 3: LOST)  (Read 4784 times)

You, slowly, open your eyes. Every bone in your body hurts. You've been out for a long time.
Laying there awake for what seems like eternity on the cold floor, you examine the details of the room you're in. There's a chair with ties on it, a bathtub, and some cabinets, all doused in dried blood. Something has happened here, something is not right.
You finally muster enough strength to get yourself up. There's 2 doors immediately to your left and right, along with the previous objects you've noticed. You also make out a small, dusty, cardboard box in the corner.

Who are you?: You don't know.
Where are you?: You don't know.
How much money do you have?: You don't know.
What is the time?: You don't know.
What is the date?:  You don't know.
How hungry are you?: You don't know.
How thirsty are you?: You don't know.
Are you hurt?: You don't know.
     Inventory (0/2 slots)
You have nothing.
You need to leave.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 12:43:23 AM by kelau »

lets get this stuff on the road
jack off

Open the box.
Here comes the beginning of an adventure.

lets get this stuff on the road
jack off
Open the box.
Here comes the beginning of an adventure.
You open the box and find an... axe? You put that in your inventory.
Who are you?: You don't know.
Where are you?: You don't know.
How much money do you have?: You don't know.
What is the time?: You don't know.
What is the date?:  You don't know.
How hungry are you?: You don't know.
How thirsty are you?: You don't know.
Are you hurt?: You don't know.
     Inventory (2/2 slots)
- Axe (2 slots) (WEAPON)
You need to leave.

bust that clearly wooden door down with the axe

bust that clearly wooden door down with the axe
You don't know which door you want to go through. Eventually, you decide the right one. You bust it down and see a hole.
Looks like this is the way.
You slip down the tunnel and crash into the cold concrete of the underground.
The room is relatively empty besides some trash scattered around, a cabinet next to the exit, and a dumpster to your left. The door seems wide open, inviting you to proceed.
Who are you?: You don't know.
Where are you?: You don't know.
How much money do you have?: You don't know.
What is the time?: You don't know.
What is the date?:  You don't know.
How hungry are you?: You don't know.
How thirsty are you?: You don't know.
Are you hurt?: You don't know.
     Inventory (2/2 slots)
- Axe (2 slots) (WEAPON)
You need to leave.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 05:36:09 PM by kelau »

open and check dumpster, if nothing, check the cabinet
if nothing, leave the room through the doorway infront of you
(or just do all of those at once if ur the Absolute Madman)

open and check dumpster, if nothing, check the cabinet
if nothing, leave the room through the doorway infront of you
(or just do all of those at once if ur the Absolute Madman)
You check the dumpster and cabinet, finding nothing interesting but some spare change. Then you continue on your merry way down the route of the unknown.
The right is gated off, you go left.
As you continue on your path, you being to re-collect yourself. Everything starts to hurt.
You begin to walk down the creaking staircase when you spot a corpse. It seems to be a police officer. You get sick to your stomach.
He appears to have been shot in the head, with a gun next to him on the floor.
There's a door to your right, a van and a blocked door to your left.
Who are you?: You don't know.
Where are you?: You don't know.
How much money do you have?: $1.37
What is the time?: You don't know.
What is the date?:  You don't know.
How hungry are you?: 65/100
How thirsty are you?: 50/100
Are you hurt?: 25/100 HP
     Inventory (2/2 slots)
- Axe (2 slots) (WEAPON)
You need to leave.

Tie the hands of the corpse around your neck and wear him like a cape, as the body decays more it will attract flies and will allow you to become Lord of the Flies
Also use the corpse's inventory to stash the gun you found next to him.

go Thro Dorf Pick Up Gun

put the van in your inventory for later

Tie the hands of the corpse around your neck and wear him like a cape, as the body decays more it will attract flies and will allow you to become Lord of the Flies
Also use the corpse's inventory to stash the gun you found next to him.
You try to carry the corpse as a cape, it's too heavy.
go Thro Dorf Pick Up Gun
put the van in your inventory for later
You drop your axe and pick the gun and continue on your way. The van is way too heavy for your little noodle arms.
Going through a room with crates, too bad you don't have your axe.
You hear the sound of rushing and dripping water.
It's a long, dark tunnel. You have no idea where it leads. All there is, is walking...

"So, let's make a deal."
You stare at the man in front of you, a smirk on his face. His shining new suit, his neatly shaved hair, his calm demeanor. You can tell he means business. Distinguishing himself greatly from his dim, decayed surroundings.
"I'm sure you're well aware of your debt to our organization," he pauses. "I propose an offer to you."
"You pay your $5,000 to us in a week, or we can make sure you won't be touching money any time soon."
He gestures to the man standing behind you to escort you out.
Who are you?: Andre Jakobsons
Where are you?: the Moline Underground
How much money do you have?: $235.40
What is the time?: 11:30 AM
What is the date?:  June 9, 1989
How hungry are you?: 98/100
How thirsty are you?: 98/100
Are you hurt?: 100/100 HP
     Inventory (1/4 slots)
- Pack of Cigarettes
You need to pay off that debt, with money or blood.

grab the bottle, smash it over the boss's head
then get the radio and bash the guy behind you with it