Author Topic: spain trying to suppress catalonian independence  (Read 7479 times)

What makes you think they're going to suddenly fail because they aren't a part of Spain anymore
Oh, right, it's because "teh soshilistz"

you're acting like attributing the fall of every socialist government ever to "teh soshilistz" isn't as accurate as attributing allergic reactions to "teh elargeesz"

socialism has never been truly tried guys c'mon haha

socialism has never been truly tried guys c'mon haha

But all the capitalist economies that have failed in the past are just crony capitalism, not real capitalism right
Also why does everything become a "socialism vs capitalism" debate? Is there that little to talk about that every single topic of discussion becomes a proxy for these two systems

But all the capitalist economies that have failed in the past are just crony capitalism, not real capitalism right

difference is when capitalist economies bounce back they don't kill millions of people

difference is when capitalist economies bounce back they don't kill millions of people


how to justify a country shutting down a regional government and abusing innocent voters with military force because they want to be independent

how to justify a country shutting down a regional government and abusing innocent voters with military force because they want to be independent

Something something communism something

how to justify a country shutting down a regional government and abusing innocent voters with military force because they want to be independent

spaniards are handicapped ????

capitalism has never been tried comrade

i don't know nearly enough about Spain and Catalonia to know what's right or wrong, but the majority of things I'm hearing is that Catalans are handicaps and Spain is being too brutal. IMO Spain is being too brutal and honestly, I hate balkanization. Disgusting.

how to justify a country shutting down a regional government and abusing innocent voters with military force because they want to be independent


American independence wasn't in the British constitution therefore it was evil
Also how does the constitution not allowing secession greenlight the brutalization of innocent people
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 01:55:51 AM by Nonnel »

The south will rise again