Super AdventureQuest XIV: DOORS MOTHERforgetER. DO YOU SPEAK IT?

Author Topic: Super AdventureQuest XIV: DOORS MOTHERforgetER. DO YOU SPEAK IT?  (Read 7999 times)

make sure nobody stole your kidney again

Wake up?

You cannot wake up because you are too busy being a door.


Suddenly, some rude man comes crashing through you.

Stop being the door.

Feeling abandoned, the door slams itself in frustration.

Wake up already!

Yeah that was kind of a dumb gag anyway. Seriously though, where are you?

open the door that you just went through

if you cant open it just rub your face all over the door

find some mexican doctor and pay him to give you arms

investigate the alleyway

investigate the alleyway
if required, use the corner of the arm device as a weird, ram-my weapon

Make sure nobody stole your kidney.

You give the ORGANDEX a quick check. Yep, two KIDNEYS. But wait...


Your ARMS are totally missing from your ORGANDEX! You had better retrieve them fast!

Retrieve arms.

Oh wait, they're right there. Arms aren't organs, of course they aren't in the ORGANDEX.
Did you fail biology or something?

Open the door you just went through.

You attempt to use your "newfound" ARMS to open the DOOR. Unfortunately, it's locked.

Rub your face all over the door.



What the forget is wrong with you?

lick the door to arouse it open

t a s t e   t h e   d o o r

Go investigate the alleyway.

Look each way down the street.

Have loveual intercourse with the door.