Author Topic: hello im 16 now  (Read 1402 times)

uh idk is it some good milestone, am i not considered a child legally anymore

you can play those k-16 games now

Did you throw a big 16 party

Did you throw a big 16 party
ye did have a blast, litterally
got drentched in coke and smeared cake on my face by friends
overall good party would approve

congrats now you can unblock clone v.117

ye did have a blast, litterally
got drentched in coke and smeared cake on my face by friends
overall good party would approve

And you didn't invite us?

And you didn't invite us?
i mean, did you want to come all over to australia

i mean, did you want to come all over to australia
duh, i have my 'roo ready to swim over there

you're legal to forget now in austrailia
come behind the back alley and i'll show you a good time