Author Topic: the hunger lames (pre-game)  (Read 3981 times)

name: Meme-soon
gender: male
district: idc any

name: limelier

image: my avatar

gender: male

district: shrug

Quote from: person
name*: :b1:
(click the images for fullres)
gender: M
district*: 7 (for luck)
slot: 1 i guess ?

name*: Hightower
gender: M
district*: 5
slot: 3

name: craffyshaff
nickname: craftersshaft
gender: M
district: 5

district: shrug
you are now in 2,1

district*: 7 (for luck)
slot: 1 i guess ?
7,1 and 7,2 are both occupied, you are now in 7,3

district*: 5
slot: 3
5,3 is occupied, you are now in 5,4

district: 5
all of district 5 is occupied, you are now in 6,1

name: dyrus with makeup on
nickname: dyrus with makeup on
eliminated: gray
gender: f
district*: 10
slot: 1

henlo yes me
name: pepper
nickname: trogtor junior
image: my profile pic
eliminated: grey
gender: m
district: w/e
slot: w/e

name*: Armyman12313
nickname: Armyman

gender: Male
district*: 6
slot: 2

table was i kicked out of slot 6? i dont see me on there

table was i kicked out of slot 6? i dont see me on there
6,1 is occupied and this can be seen as ---

elimated: grey with red X across
Gender: m
Put me in wherever

elimated: grey with red X across
Put me in wherever
eliminated image was changed to just BW
you are now in 2,3